GameRager: If the plotlines/world stick to what they've established I think it holds up storywise.
TheMonkofDestiny: That's just it though - if the game has been molded in such a fashion that the best experience now comes through co-op play, then the initial drive of delivering an experience to a single player is gone. The dynamic changes drastically when you play a game alone vs. with a partner, including how you absorb a given narrative.
I'm not of the mind that the game still can't be enjoyed in the way they've presented it, I'm just having a hard time believing that MG couldn't be bothered with a multiplayer aspect if this is essentially the avenue they went down anyway.
Good points....I disliked DS3(Dead Space)'s locking some missions behind co-op. That style of locking some content behind a co-op wall I cannot tolerate, but if the experience is basically the same for co-op and SP I don't have a problem with it.
(By co-op I mean SP co-op)
karnak1: This new trend of "co-op centered" action games bothers me, I gotta admit. Because I'm not a teen anymore. Even if I owned a steam account, I have family and responsabilities and I sometimes I find it hard to have time for myself, least of all coordinating with guys my age. I can only do things at my own pace now, and that includes videogames.
And the same seems to apply for the vast majority of folks I know.
This brings me very bad memories of the years between 2005-2010, when there was a "draught" of good single-player RPGs, whereas MMORPGs (all looking similar to one another) seemed to explode everywhere, like mushrooms :(
MMOs are fine imo if one can do all or most content by themselves or with anyone who will join them.
As for co-op SP: If a game locks some content or levels behind a co-op wall that sucks big time....Dead Space 3 does that with a few missions being co-op only....and even though they are local co=op I don't always have someone to play with.
GameRager: Weaker is usually subjective, as is some of the stuff you said you disliked about the newer games being "bad". :\
To be honest, I like the cinematic look and feel of some of the newer games, and even some of the new mechanics as well...for some(in general) to say it's all bad just because it doesn't conform to how older games used to look/play is absurd.
Linko64: New Order was great, New Col was okay, Young Bloods is just dull to me. The level design is getting worse and worse
What about Old Blood and also Wolfenstein 2009? I liked and finished 2009...didn't play the others yet, though.
Also fwiw some of that could be due to nostalgia limiting what one likes/dislikes(in general/etc).
Linko64: New Order was great, New Col was okay, Young Bloods is just dull to me. The level design is getting worse and worse
fr33kSh0w2012: I heard the level design is just like doom 2016 "corridor then locked in arena - Repeat"
Eh, if it is I have not much issue with it as long as it's not too linear feeling/looking(if they can make the areas interesting enough and mask how linear it is). I have a bad OCD and too open games and areas make it hard for me to keep tabs on what i've done and finish such, so to me & others like me such games are a "godsend".