nightcraw1er.488: Yep, don't know about that. 1 was a good game. 2 never ran on my system (I actually brought the physical collectors edition, and to this day I have not got past the first screen). Gwent, meh, played on IPad briefly, don't like those types of games anyways - prefer Ascension. Thronebreaker I have not played yet. W3 was a typical open world, large map, lots of repeats. Control was a pain, couldn't jump over a twig for instance. Dont get the big raves about it, sure it wasn't bad but 4.9/5 stars?? Also watched most of the netflix series, that was better than expected. Meh, new stuff in it, not going to keep me up at night.
2 was fun, but felt really short and it had a number of bugs, some of them nasty and causing progression issues (at least for me, opened questions back in the day). Mutagens farming was a pain.
I need a slightly better system, in order to play 3. Is like in slow motion. Feels good but generic, doesn't have the good old charm. Open world seems interesting at first sight, but soon gets chaotic and grows out of hand... And the MMO-like feeling, whenever marching into "that area with overlevelled enemies", or creatures that can one-shot you, that 's cold ese. You easily feel lost. And it was the ONLY game, that GOG didn't give away a GUIDE in the extras! Instead, they silently partnered with Prima, who overcharged/overmonetized it and in the prologue, it described "the parties thrown at basement level and 1st floor of CDPR building and the employees going fluff"!
I beta tested of sorts and enjoyed the tabletop adventure (the one with Geralt, Jaskier, Triss and Yarpen), before the nerfs and Geralt being degraded into a walking bad luck cluckee.
I beat Thronebreaker with a number of different endings, felt basic, had nice story.
The musical wasn't the best one. There was another one held in other countries. I especially adored a Danish singer with red dress. The one sold here, mainly features a semi talentless, much younger, howling something mighty, lass. Brrrrr!