Orkhepaj: news? this is just assumption
that is from the verge , not a trustful site
No it's not just an assumption.
Windows 11 is being widely covered across many major and totally credibile tech outlets. They wouldn't all be reporting on it if it wasn't true.
And likewise with that old quotation where Microsoft directly claimed that Windows 10 would be the last Windows OS ever.
So it's becoming pretty clear that Microsoft lied by claiming Windows 10 was the last. I hope someone sues them over that.
skeletonbow: they're not obligated to stick to the original idea by any means.
Sure they are. They are ethically obligated if they have any morals.
And they are also legally obligated, because selling Windows 10 under the false premise of it being the last Windows OS ever is false advertising on their part. That's against the law.