Gilozard: 1) I'll repeat - hidden admin tools that need active user involvement to download and forum-made scripts are NOT a replacement for removed OS functionality.
The scripts are for those that don't know what to change. Similar to a game bundled with DOSBox instead of the game files and DOSBox as separate things you have to mix yourself.
Updates could be disabled and selectively installed for at least a month, assuming one knows what he's doing. If he doesn't know, then automatic updates are recommended.
Gilozard: 2) Are you seriously trying to pretend that MS has not completely changed their GUI guidelines and design standards? Because that's crazy - the look of MS programs across the board has changed (except for where they can't be bothered to be consistent, 'cause that's how MS rolls). Yes, Win10 is still Windows, but the look and feel are completely different and people keep getting switched from one interface to the other. It's better than Win8, but not by much. Maybe it doesn't bother you, but it bothers a lot of people. Or confuses them to the point of helplessness, which makes me want to tear my hair out.
Let me put it this way. I don't care what the icons look like, as long as they do their job. I didn't mind the ribbon change on Office 2007, since the keyboard shortcuts still worked, and it wasn't that different from before. I do think I'm able to adapt to changes, especially if they are only visual ones.
Gilozard: 3) Yeah, removing cloud integration is a complete pain in the ass, not available to the average user at all, and difficult to turn off without removing to boot. My options for Win10 in this office are:
a) Remove OneDrive completely, or
b) Deal with people mistakenly saving things to the cloud, or thinking they've saved them to Dropbox when it's really OneDrive, etc.
Both are going to be a hassle.
gpedit.msc -> Local Computer Policy -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> OneDrive and set it to disabled. If you are in a company, you really should learn to use the Group Policy Editor.
And it is literally a single setting, with a "not configured, disabled, enabled" option.
P.S. Before complaining about other stuff that is not available, dig through the policy editor first.