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I really miss this little and easy program. I often used it and I don't like very much the idea to use Galaxy only to download offline versions of my games. Now I'm also using Galaxy but it can not be compared to Downloader because of its heaviness on an old pc like mine.
low rated
Because three redundant threads does not a good forum make.

You see, chances are that GOG discovered some function, security hole, library discontinuation or bug so big that in order to keep it running they'd have to rewrite the whole lot. And why bother? Galaxy was made to replace it years ago and was the culmination of all their effort and progress.
Post edited March 22, 2020 by Darvond
rjbuffchix: Had GOG just come out and said: we're disabling Downloader because we really want as many people on Galaxy as possible, I'd have expressed more disgust but would at least be able to respect the honesty and more importantly know where they are coming from due to more open communication.
If (raw) honesty was the best strategy to keep the majority of customers happy then a lot of PR representatives would be out of a job. (I'm talking about business in general)
Post edited March 21, 2020 by teceem
low rated
teceem: If (raw) honesty was the best strategy to keep the majority of customers happy then a lot of PR representatives would be out of a job. (I'm talking about business in general)
Let's talk about this business specifically. If the majority of customers here use Galaxy already, and don't use/don't care about Downloader, how would being honest in this case be harmful at all?
rjbuffchix: Let's talk about this business specifically. If the majority of customers here use Galaxy already, and don't use/don't care about Downloader, how would being honest in this case be harmful at all?
A minority of a lot of people can still be... a lot of people (customers). If they didn't care (at all) about the non-Galaxy users they would've gotten rid of the offline installers altogether.

GOG made a business decision. I'm glad I'm not in such a position, professionally. I like keeping my responsibility personal, as much as possible.
Post edited March 22, 2020 by teceem
low rated
teceem: GOG made a business decision. I'm glad I'm not in such a position, professionally. I like keeping my responsibility personal, as much as possible.
I on the other hand would have taken the strong arm approach. "We have chosen to discontinue the GOG Downloader. This decision is final, and you will have X days to finish your discussions on the matter in a single thread. The issue will then be permanently closed as final."

We don't need three threads of a whining minority running amock, raising threads from the dead just to balk on some point.
low rated
rjbuffchix: With all due respect those are strawman arguments. Please let's try to keep on track. No one is even talking about who is "right", just the reality of there being confused customers.
What about those saying GOG isn't right on this?

rjbuffchix: Had GOG just come out and said: we're disabling Downloader because we really want as many people on Galaxy as possible, I'd have expressed more disgust but would at least be able to respect the honesty and more importantly know where they are coming from due to more open communication.
So honestly asking: is that the only answer you'd accept as the truth/accept from them?
Telika: The answer to the why is : general assholery.


Because GOG has nothing to do with that sort of young cool fun company that old users have been familiar with. It's a very different company, with different people, different goals, different values. Also the userbase is not the same at all. It's as if an old reference newspaper had progressively realised that there's more money to be made through clickbaits and sensationnalist fake news as the public for these is much wider. Some idiots stay faithful to the name, the brand and the image of it that they forged long ago (it's called emotional investment, desinvestment gets harder after a while). Some people keep naively whining about news quality not staying the same. But the company doesn't give a damn about such values, as the thick of their clients consists now in people who don't give a damn either.

"GOG" (as the entity of, say, 8 years ago) doesn't exist. It's like a company that had gone bankrupt and got re-bought by another.

I actually started crying when I read this. Because... maybe you're right.
DubConqueror: I actually started crying when I read this. Because... maybe you're right.
A company turning to shit has to be aknowledged, especially when it originally built itself on opposite values, but it's still not THAT a big deal. It's a loss and an annoyance, but still merely in the realm of available shops.

I used, naively, to buy locally unavailable books from BookDepository, because Amazon is too obviously shitty on too many levels (ecologically and socially). It was a nice way to bypass them for handy services. But Amazon eventually bought BookDepository and, well, shit. Annoying as fuck, but things change. Companies change owners and represent different things. Countries change governents and represent different things. Heck, sometimes even individuals change a lot. Don't get attached to names and identities, the content only matters.

What I mean is, it's shitty, has to be denounced, and spit goes where spit is deserved. Denial is always dangerous (and capitalized upon). But there's more important things in life than videogame shops to feel truly distressed about.
Post edited March 22, 2020 by Telika
Darvond: [snip]
Downloader users and people who support them sure have you upset, my lord. I see you even went in the wishlist topic to "anti-vote" (nonwithstanding your "efforts" there, that wish continues getting more votes at a steady pace). Consider that maybe your annoyance is misplaced. If GOG hadn't made this unreasonable, inconvenient, anti-consumer decision, you wouldn't have to cast your eyes on multiple topics about this issue.
low rated
GameRager: What about those saying GOG isn't right on this?
I'm saying that this is the reality: there are customers confused with GOG's decision who don't accept the official reasoning for it. Whether that confusion is well-founded or not, it's on GOG to try and satisfy those customers. And before you go all devil's advocate, arguing just to argue, yes, that is in the domain of the business to do. While the business and the consumer are part of the same transaction, they have different roles and abilities. Also please spare me with any argument about how "those customers are being unreasonable"...we are talking about loyal customers who have articulated their position a damn sight well better than the official staff posts on why we can't have Downloader anymore. It's not like we're talking about GOG Connect where Scheme users come to take free games, whine about ones that aren't free, then promptly leave. We are talking about long-time GOG customers, ones that are interested in staying here as their primary store and spending money here.

rjbuffchix: Had GOG just come out and said: we're disabling Downloader because we really want as many people on Galaxy as possible, I'd have expressed more disgust but would at least be able to respect the honesty and more importantly know where they are coming from due to more open communication.
GameRager: So honestly asking: is that the only answer you'd accept as the truth/accept from them?
I would take any answer that doesn't insult my intelligence. The official staff posts were wanting.
low rated
Telika: Don't get attached to names and identities, the content only matters.

But there's more important things in life than videogame shops to feel truly distressed about.
Agreed on these bits

rjbuffchix: Consider that maybe your annoyance is misplaced.
The ones annoyed/mad at GOG for this should do the same as well, I think.
Post edited March 22, 2020 by GameRager
low rated
rjbuffchix: I would take any answer that doesn't insult my intelligence. The official staff posts were wanting.
When searching for answers(on anything/in general) one should look for ANY answer as long as it is the and others seem to only be set on trying to search for/willing to accept specific "acceptable" answers, even if they might not be the truth.

That is likely in part why GOG doesn't want to get into this....even if they were blunt but gave an answer you/others don't want it's likely(though not 100%) you/others would reject they likely decided to save themselves some time/etc and not bother.

rjbuffchix: Also please spare me with any argument about how "those customers are being unreasonable"...we are talking about loyal customers who have articulated their position a damn sight well better than the official staff posts on why we can't have Downloader anymore.

It's not like we're talking about GOG Connect where Scheme users come to take free games, whine about ones that aren't free, then promptly leave. We are talking about long-time GOG customers, ones that are interested in staying here as their primary store and spending money here.
Some in the threads(not you, but others) have acted like entitled "spoiled brats" and children about this(not many, but a few).

While I would like those acting reasonable to be heard I don't think GOG should reward that sort of behavior as shown by a few others.
low rated
Darvond: [snip]
rjbuffchix: Downloader users and people who support them sure have you upset, my lord. I see you even went in the wishlist topic to "anti-vote" (nonwithstanding your "efforts" there, that wish continues getting more votes at a steady pace). Consider that maybe your annoyance is misplaced. If GOG hadn't made this unreasonable, inconvenient, anti-consumer decision, you wouldn't have to cast your eyes on multiple topics about this issue.
5 years after discontinuation of support and this all comes as a surprise to the users?

On the other hand, GOG is exactly the sort of grognard base that threw a fit when support for Windows XP was discontinued. (A decade after the OS, no less.)

By the way, how goes that campaign?
Post edited March 22, 2020 by Darvond
Darvond: 5 years after discontinuation of support and this all comes as a surprise to the users?

On the other hand, GOG is exactly the sort of grognard base that threw a fit when support for Windows XP was discontinued. (A decade after the OS, no less.)

By the way, how goes that campaign?
The surprise is that the Downloader was still working completely fine so it is senseless (from the perspective of us users) to get rid of it.

For that matter, when you and others demand we all just shut up and use an alternative like GOGrepo, you somehow don't mind that those alternatives are not officially "supported".

As for your XP analogy to work (it doesn't), GOG would've had to have done something like gone through game by game that worked with XP, and somehow made them so they are all now incompatible with XP.