DubConqueror: I actually started crying when I read this. Because... maybe you're right.
A company turning to shit has to be aknowledged, especially when it originally built itself on opposite values, but it's still not THAT a big deal. It's a loss and an annoyance, but still merely in the realm of available shops.
I used, naively, to buy locally unavailable books from BookDepository, because Amazon is too obviously shitty on too many levels (ecologically and socially). It was a nice way to bypass them for handy services. But Amazon eventually bought BookDepository and, well, shit. Annoying as fuck, but things change. Companies change owners and represent different things. Countries change governents and represent different things. Heck, sometimes even individuals change a lot. Don't get attached to names and identities, the content only matters.
What I mean is, it's shitty, has to be denounced, and spit goes where spit is deserved. Denial is always dangerous (and capitalized upon). But there's more important things in life than videogame shops to feel truly distressed about.