Posted November 01, 2021
Linux is only 1% of the PC video games market on Steam and I expect in the next five months it will go back down to 90% or 80%.
Also look at China a country where the Chinese communist party has strict control you would think people would use Linux more in China so MicroSoft does not spy on then, but Windows is the most pirated Operating System (OS) in China.
Embedded OS in devices, cell phones, servers, etc. Also, Playstation uses FreeBSD (not Linux, but one of its Unix siblings).
The point I'm trying to make is that anyone who packages the nice super user-friendly gaming platform you don't know about yet for you to game on in the future is likely to be using Linux or some Linux variant underneath. They're not gonna write their own OS from scratch and they won't want to have to ask permission from Microsoft or Apple to do whatever they want to do.
You won't even care that it's Linux underneath, because whoever packaged it will have added all the nice UI stuff you've come to expect (kinda like Google did with Android). Linux is just an OS. It's not opinionated on things like what UI is running on top of it.
Windows is running on past momentum. Linux is the future, because anybody can build on it. That's what anybody who comes up with the next big thing is likely to be using.
Post edited November 01, 2021 by Magnitus