Sabin_Stargem: I would like to see the +18 versions of Grisaia to be available on GOG. Having other visual novels like Phoenix Wright, Policenauts, Snatcher, and others would be nice as well.
Here's hoping that GOG ditches the curatorship mentality, as it does nothing but alienate customers and developers from the service.
Yeah because Steam has become so much better since ditching curation.. oh wait it hasn't since you hear more often then not it has become a breeding ground of shit and that it's often harder to find good games unless you have time to waste searching through that pile of crap to find the diamond in the rough, like Desura did.
Honestly I said it once and I will say it again, no curation is never a good idea. a little more laxed curation sure or a option where if GOG rejects a game it can be kicked over to the community here and we can vote on it, sort of like a greenlight but with certain rules where if a game was rejected for being broken, half finshed, being something that was tossed together in unity with store bought assests, ect. then it won't be up for voting.
I think that would be a fair way of doing things.