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Where do you fail to progress in your games?

Let's talk about those places that drive you crazy and often make you give up the game.

My games:

Arx Fatalis:
At the beginning of the game, I block the place, on another floor where you have to give a paper (a pass it seems to me) to the guard, but apparently it's not the right paper.

EFTP Avernum:
There is a boss in the middle of the map, and when we are about to finish it he manages to escape, and of course for it to be very painful, the enemies respawn...

At the beginning in this kind of village I never really knew where to go precisely, and to make it more difficult you have to have fun killing guys with just a knife! (it wouldn't be fun otherwise...) ><

Earth 2140:
A mission where you have to protect a convoy (I don't remember the camp), and a few years ago I remember a mission in Africa (like the 4th or 5th mission) where you get attacked from the beginning.

Eschalon Book I: (Warrior) In a forest towards the witch near Lilith's house, there each time the enemies (robbers) appear in bands of three and I was killed.

Genforge 1:
(Guardian) My maximum progression: I was stuck in the desert with creatures (a kind of scorpion) who killed my character in one blow (and then we'll be surprised to lose our minds seriously...).

Heroes of Might and Magic 1:
In the Knight's campaign (red flag) I block in mission 6: Castle Slayer - no way to have a correct army three heroes arrive every time
and ruin my city.

Imperialism 1:
I never managed to finish a game: every time the enemy GPs declare war on me at the same time... and even with alliances, your so-called allies they capture the territories you wanted and you find yourself making ports because they of course they managed (we don't know too well) to capture the enemy capital.

Or either despite the covenants they all end up betraying you and falling on you.

And I am not talking about the cheats of the ia, especially around 1840 in terms of military power, which is becoming incredibly great and of course, no way to catch it.

But I changed my strategy: from the beginning I will conquer ND to be more, because otherwise if I don't do it they get assimilated by the ia and it becomes difficult to survive.

Jaged deadly games:
Siretch campaign, after struggling in missions like the desert to hide behind rocks and survive in a mission in the jungle (where the objective is to have access to a computer) the mission N° 18, the game becomes much too hard, the enemy is rather tough.

KKnD Xtreme:
Survivors' Camp, Mission 10, "Occupation Force": The map in this mission takes place at first on a plain, as usual the enemy ia is unmanageable. (and then we will be surprised that I grant myself a million credits at the beginning of the mission...)

Mob rule:
I never finished succeeding in the tutorial, I just blocked in the mission where you shouldn't kill the enemy Godfather .

Level 6 acid pools, this game is hard (well according to me) even with the three life hearts no way to finish this damn level.
Post edited October 07, 2018 by thedkm
Haha - oh boy. Trying to remember even half of them...

Panzer General. Because I'm really bad at this game, 2nd or 3rd scenario. Haha.

Morrowind. Not really stuck, but just put it aside for so long that I have no idea where I would find myself in the whole thing. Guessing I'm not even 10% in the story, because I was farting around doing other stuff.

Privateer 2. Think around 8-10 missions in. Something didn't trigger correctly, so a lobby area that *should* be accessible after completing the previous step, well, it's not clickable.

Divinity 2. The very end of the game. Some dumbass escort mission thing. Geez, I really hate those in virtually any game. "Derpididoo, I'm just going to plow right on ahead - getting my ass kicked - instead of waiting for you to clear the way first, Mr Badass Dragon / Soldier / Spaceship Commander. Gee, hope I don't die before we get there!"

The Witcher. Another storyline that didn't trigger properly. I'm supposed to pick sides between, um, soldiers and some other group. Talked to everyone, visited every open place, checked wikis to see what I'm missing. Nope, just didn't trigger.

Red Faction. Not sure why. I think I got to a really tough area but was too low on ammo and whatnot to survive. Should try this one again.

Metro, the first one. Feels like you're always under-ammoed, unless you happen to find every little secret hidden thing along the way. Stuck in some area where the bad guys keep spawning over and over, I'm not sure how to get to where I'm supposed to go, and I end up dying because I run out of ammo. After a dozen tries, screw it.

This one bugs me, because it's such a great game: Stalker, Shadows of Chernobyl. The end part, at the big area (trying to avoid spoilers for the two people who haven't played it yet). You're up against a time limit to get to where you gotta go, and me and time limits in games just don't get along. Can probably mod it out but I haven't really looked for one.
Arcanum, facing a white rabbit and not knowing what to do with the one in my cage (I can't release it, I can't give the cage away, I can't do any "right" thing).

Star Trek Elite Force 1 or 2
, having to romance someone or no one with no particular reason.

Mass Effect 2, having to romance someone or no one with no particular reason.

Starcraft Brood Wars
, oh this damn long level starting with all the Zergs on the east and the mountains to invade west side, always ends on an infuriating stalemate due to ressource exhaustion.

Beneath a steel sky, a bug destroying my saved game at what may be the penultimate screen.

Commandos 1, Desperados 2, the shock of a new super-overly-crowded map and "ah well, ok, tomorrow maybe".

Ultima IV, "humility, HUMILITY ? are you kidding ?"

Morrowind Bloodmoon, realising that any wilderness animal is 100x stronger than any god I defeated, and that continuing would require me to either wear super disgustingly oily magical tems or install a mod to remove that visual effect.

Silent Hill 2, tired of tank-like controls, especially in boss fights.

Resident Evil 3, same thing except the game is just one giant boss fight.

Doom 3, realised that I wanted to escape the planet even more than my character, due to corridor shooting being a chore.

Broforce, Trine, last level battle.

, Wastelands 2, Xenonauts, Torment Tides of Numumunenerarawtvr, reaching a no-way-back point, and not wanting to not be able to come back.

Dragon Age, Neverwinter Nights 2, distracted for a while, and then realising that I completely fused them in my memory.

Edit : Added "Torment" to my no-way-back-beyond-this-point psychosis.
Post edited January 19, 2019 by Telika
Hehe! I like this thread. Why did noone think of this before?

I might update this post when I can think of more but here are some:

X3:Terran Conflict
I need to build several complexes and I find that part of the game unnecessary hard (hope that X4 will be much better in this regard). So, picking the locations and balancing out the parts and buying and transporting all the things needed then meticulously building them.... It all just felt like too much. Maybe I will one day just pick a design done by someone else and do that.

{2nd playthrough}
Very near the beginning of the story, I was sent on an escort mission where the randomiser decided to insert a heavy Kha'ak fleet besides the enemy that is supposed to show up in that sector. It is just about impossible to keep my friends alive and killing multiple destroyers with my small, weak beginner ship.

Unreal Gold
Not stuck anymore :-)

Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos
Stuck in act 2 on some bug hindering me from going forward. Been too long for me to remember any details except I started a new playthrough in the hope of avoiding getting that bug this time. Then when I got Windows 7 the game did not work anymore so I am stuck on that now hehe.

Spec Ops: The Line
Stuck at a point where I got parted from my comrades and left with only my pistol. This will probably be quite easy to get past if I rememeber to play it on a good day.

The Cossacks anthology ("Cossacks 1")
Stuck in a lot of the campaigns. I guess I should give up and use a walk-through but I mainly play this game with random or custom maps anyway.

Citizen Kabuto
I was asked to bring back some native's wife, I think, and after an alright village I get into a camp with lots of enemies where I have not managed to advance despite trying ten times.
Post edited October 14, 2018 by Themken
thedkm: ...
KKnD Xtreme:
Survivors' Camp, Mission 10, "Occupation Force": The map in this mission takes place at first on a plain, as usual the enemy ia is unmanageable. (and then we will be surprised that I grant myself a million credits at the beginning of the mission...)

This level?
I remember it very well :P I think got stuck there on two attempted playthroughs, only finally beating it with my third attempt. If memory serves I sent an attacking force anti-clockwise along the edge of the map to attack their base from the side.
By the way, shortly after this level you get access to the strongest infantry unit, the sniper, which effectively makes the game a cakewalk from that point onwards. You only have to survive long enough to to build about 4 or 5, and then with a bit of micro it's easy to defend your base.

As for me,

Never got past the first level as a kid. Would definitely like to try again, but unfortunately I read that the game is still very unstable. It was pretty crash-y back then as well.

Caesar 3
Got stuck on the Damascus level for a long time, but I did eventually manage to beat it with this city a couple years back

Delta Force 1
Was stuck forever on those snow missions. Eventually got past it sometime last year I think.

Indiana Jones : Fate of Atlantis
Stuck at the maze bit towards the end. But I've forgotten most everything so I will have to restart.

Wing Commander IV : Prince of Freedom
Suppose technically still stuck on CD6, which for some reason made the game extremely laggy and unplayable. Will have to try gog's version sometime.

Revenge of the Titans
Got about 70-80% into the campaign, where I reached a point simply way beyond my skill level.
Post edited October 06, 2018 by Matewis
Right here.
Every game in which I have to protect a npc instead of shooting everything to death.

Don´t Starve at the surviving part.
Got all the way to the final level of Descent 2, which is map 24.

It has a nasty surprise, though:

Completely indestructible unless you use a specific type of missile, which if you do not have it, you won't be able to defeat it.

If you miss the secrets in the level that have this particular kind of missile, you won't be able to defeat it.

That's a nasty trap by the developers.

I've had to completely restart from the beginning of the game, too.
Post edited October 06, 2018 by TheBigCore
thedkm: ...
KKnD Xtreme:
Survivors' Camp, Mission 10, "Occupation Force": The map in this mission takes place at first on a plain, as usual the enemy ia is unmanageable. (and then we will be surprised that I grant myself a million credits at the beginning of the mission...)

Matewis: This level?
I remember it very well :P I think got stuck there on two attempted playthroughs, only finally beating it with my third attempt. If memory serves I sent an attacking force anti-clockwise along the edge of the map to attack their base from the side.
By the way, shortly after this level you get access to the strongest infantry unit, the sniper, which effectively makes the game a cakewalk from that point onwards. You only have to survive long enough to to build about 4 or 5, and then with a bit of micro it's easy to defend your base.
Yes, that's the mission, thank you for your advice I would try that. :)
Post edited October 06, 2018 by thedkm
thedkm: Where do you fail to progress in your games?

Let's talk about those places that drive you crazy and often make you give up the game.

My games:

Earth 2140:
A mission where you have to protect a convoy (I don't remember the camp), and a few years ago I remember a mission in Africa (like the 4th or 5th mission) where you get attacked from the beginning.
Was that part of the UCS or ED original campaign with the convoy? Because i only know read about a convoy mission in earth 2150 with faction LC moon project add-on which i posted a link to an alternate way to beat it in the earth forums.
My strategy for Ucs or ED press R to call reinforcements, take out the electricty or resources as soon as possible. It's mandatory to build research as soon as possible, for UCS use shadow tank, ED just spam heavy rocket tanks and thunder and go for power plants.
If you can post a screenshot i can actualy help you with it as long as it's in the original campaing.
Also beaten the original campaign with UCS and ED am at mission packs now.

If it was this mission with ucs i only went East and waited out with research until i got shadow tank. Probably called reinforcements. Building some units was still necesarry. Also just check the video if it was that area, i couldn't do it like he did since he is playing the broken a.i. version while i played the dos version which has a.i.
Btw very nice idea for a topic.
Post edited October 06, 2018 by Fonzer
HereForTheBeer: Haha - oh boy. Trying to remember even half of them...

Metro, the first one. Feels like you're always under-ammoed, unless you happen to find every little secret hidden thing along the way. Stuck in some area where the bad guys keep spawning over and over, I'm not sure how to get to where I'm supposed to go, and I end up dying because I run out of ammo. After a dozen tries, screw it.
This game has me frustrated and stuck!
Okay, fine. I'll save the joke reply of, "Actually starting".

Deus Ex: Bothering to go beyond Battery Park.

Pony Island: The meta coding bits are pretty great. The running and jumping parts are complete ass.

TIM:EMC & ROTIC: There's just a few puzzles that don't really mesh with me.

Re-Volt: Only technically, trying to get that star in the loop within the Stunt Arena.

Star Wars™Ⓡ: Rogue Squadron: Turns out trying to control a game from the 1990s on a computer today isn't that easy, so progression past the second level isn't easy.

Uru Complete Chronicles: The tedium of puzzles in the lava zone.

Geneforge (any): A few areas in, I just lose interest due to the meatgrinder nature of them.

Factoria (Non-sandbox): Anywhere beyond the beginning. Who'd have guessed that a tedious start that most LP's cut 2-4 hours out of wouldn't be fun to play?

Monkey Island: You know what's great? Esoteric mazes with no progression marker. Sure, I can follow instructions, doesn't make it any less boring.

Jazz Jackrabbit 2: This is kinda on me, as I could mitigate it in a manner of ways, but I never make it far in the game due to forgetting to save shortly after beating the initial boss.
Well i am stuck at the very beginning. I have played in the 90s a DEMO of a game which name i can't remember. I can just tell it was a game with something like medieval setting and you was playing a mage that had to compete other mages by summoning creatures and kill the opponents creatures and finaly the enemy mage. The creatures in the demo were skelettons, panthers, and trolls that could regain health by dipping their red hats in the blood of fallen enemies. If someone knows the name of the game and maybe if it is possible to get hands on it , it would be nice if you could help me.
Grizznelda: Well i am stuck at the very beginning. I have played in the 90s a DEMO of a game which name i can't remember. I can just tell it was a game with something like medieval setting and you was playing a mage that had to compete other mages by summoning creatures and kill the opponents creatures and finaly the enemy mage. The creatures in the demo were skelettons, panthers, and trolls that could regain health by dipping their red hats in the blood of fallen enemies. If someone knows the name of the game and maybe if it is possible to get hands on it , it would be nice if you could help me.
top down or isometric something like fake 3d
thedkm: Where do you fail to progress in your games?

Let's talk about those places that drive you crazy and often make you give up the game.

My games:

Arx Fatalis:
At the beginning of the game, I block the place, on another floor where you have to give a paper (a pass it seems to me) to the guard, but apparently it's not the right paper.

EFTP Avernum:
There is a boss in the middle of the map, and when we are about to finish it he manages to escape, and of course for it to be very painful, the enemies respawn...

At the beginning in this kind of village I never really knew where to go precisely, and to make it more difficult you have to have fun killing guys with just a knife! (it wouldn't be fun otherwise...) ><

Earth 2140:
A mission where you have to protect a convoy (I don't remember the camp), and a few years ago I remember a mission in Africa (like the 4th or 5th mission) where you get attacked from the beginning.

Eschalon Book I: (Warrior) In a forest towards the witch near Lilith's house, there each time the enemies (robbers) appear in bands of three and I was killed.

Genforge 1:
(Guardian) My maximum progression: I was stuck in the desert with creatures (a kind of scorpion) who killed my character in one blow (and then we'll be surprised to lose our minds seriously...).

Heroes of Might and Magic 1:
In the Knight's campaign (red flag) I block in mission 6: Castle Slayer - no way to have a correct army three heroes arrive every time
and ruin my city.

Imperialism 1:
I never managed to finish a game: every time the enemy GPs declare war on me at the same time... and even with alliances, your so-called allies they capture the territories you wanted and you find yourself making ports because they of course they managed (we don't know too well) to capture the enemy capital.

Or either despite the covenants they all end up betraying you and falling on you.

And I am not talking about the cheats of the ia, especially around 1840 in terms of military power, which is becoming incredibly great and of course, no way to catch it.

But I changed my strategy: from the beginning I will conquer ND to be more, because otherwise if I don't do it they get assimilated by the ia and it becomes difficult to survive.

Jaged deadly games:
Siretch campaign, after struggling in missions like the desert to hide behind rocks and survive in a mission in the jungle (where the objective is to have access to a computer) the mission N° 18, the game becomes much too hard, the enemy is rather tough.

KKnD Xtreme:
Survivors' Camp, Mission 10, "Occupation Force": The map in this mission takes place at first on a plain, as usual the enemy ia is unmanageable. (and then we will be surprised that I grant myself a million credits at the beginning of the mission...)

Mob rule:
I never finished succeeding in the tutorial, I just blocked in the mission where you shouldn't kill the enemy Godfather .

Level 6 acid pools, this game is hard (well according to me) even with the three life hearts no way to finish this damn level.
Arx Fatalis: If you are talking of still being in the dungeon. you need to free one prisoner who is also able to forge papers. After you release him you have to find him in a tavern on another level.
Post edited October 07, 2018 by Grizznelda