toupz111: I love oblivion i grabbed it last week :) But these are not really old games, depends i guess what we mean by old
paladin181: That was kind of my point. I'm 40 years old. Those games are pretty much brand new.
Speaking of which, Neverwinter Nights can feel kind of new to me unless I think about it rationally. I still remember the review in PC-gamer and the selling points like yesterday. But then when I put it in perspective, that there are teenagers around who are gonna look for a job next that didn't even exist when the game was first released, that's when I accept that it's one old game.
Half-Life 2 is also one of those games that will always feel like a new game to me. Same with Bioshock.
Heck, anything from the PS3/360-era is kind of new. I think it's because that's when 3D became more functional and natural, not much has happened since then compared to the huge technical leaps of previous generations.
Edit: But if I'm being honest with myself, the same feeling applies to music and movies. Darn it, it has nothing to do with technology, I'm just sprinting to my grave without realizing it.