Posted July 26, 2021

Teela's fears are shown in episode 4, when she faces Scare Glow. That's why I've got that perspective on her actions throughout the series so far.
And? Such scenes happen with many other characters. Batman facing Scarecrow and seeing himself not fitting to be Batman - it's classic. Yet, he is still Batman.
Furthermore, she felt betrayed by her closest friends and father. Those only 4 people were everything for her, her family.
Yes. Keyword here *felt*. In reality, it wasn't a betrayal. If by knowing Adam was He-man she could've prevented his death or change anything, I could understand her blaming them for not telling. But that wasn't the case.
Anyone who has dealt with depression (and I did and sometimes still feel like I do), knows at least a bit
So, have you abandoned your duties (school, job) and your family because of depression?
people claim that it was this ridiculous out of character moment for Luke, but I like the moment because it shows a man struggling desperately with his own status as a legend and feeling unable to live up to it. He's sensing a growing darkness in Ben and can't find a way to stop it.
You telling me that after finding a spark of good inside Darth Vader himself, he decided to kill his nephew seeing him a lost cause based on nothing but some visions?! Yes. This IS ridiculous.
Terry discovers that he's Bruce's son and seeks Amanda Waller to learn the truth.
Ultimately, he comes to terms with the fact that he is not his father and some similar choices, and even inheriting his mantle, didn't mean he wasn't free to make his own and seek his own path in life.
Honestly, never liked that twist. But still, Terry came to terms with it quite fast. He didn't throw a fit and quit being Batman for several years.