Timboli: I've never checked those games out, to see if they were DRM-Free after installing or whether indeed they were downloaded as a DRM-Free installer?
You must use their own client to download the games, but the installed games are DRM-free.
I have never heard about any game that would have some additional DRM.
Timboli: I've seen games available at Prime, that are a monthly freebie from Epic and Steam etc. Are they all DRM-Free?
No, there is no DRM-free guarantee.
The games are whatever they may be.
Obviously GOG games are DRM-free, and games from other places can probably be tweaked DRM-free, if they aren't that to begin with. But there are no guarantees that the third party keys wouldn't also have some third party DRM.
Timboli: Excuse my ignorance, but I only ever had an Amazon Prime account briefly ... just the trial for a month, and apart from the free game I signed up for (Quake), they did not impress me much. That said, they do have good offerings now and then.
I think it's a brilliant service.
Just the freebies from GOG justify the price, if you only count price mathematically.
But in addition, you get monthly freebies from their own selection (of very varying quality), and on top of everything, you get access to Prime Video for the same price.
It's by far the best "running investment" I can think of, access to games and movies for a few coins per month.
Obviously the game and movie selection could be better, but if you claim one game and watch maybe two movies per month, you have financially already gained something compared to buying/renting that stuff from somewhere else.