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low rated
I don't think GOG is going to make it into the future.

I hope it does, but all the signs lately seem to be that it won't, i.e. adding a support chatbot to weed out people from to talking to a GOG staff, GOG staff no longer writing basic descriptions about sales, GOG losing millions of dollars last year, etc. etc.

All of those are signs of massive desperation on GOG's part.

Even when GOG makes a thread trying to spin-doctor the chatbot as a "good" thing that is there to benefit customers, like they did last week, IMO that's just a facade to try and divert attention away from the fact that really the chatbot is an act of desperation.

GOG blaming all of their financial troubles on their previous membership in the GWENT consortium is also a sign of misdirection IMO. I'm sure they really know that that is not the only reason why GOG isn't doing well, but I think they refuse to admit publicly what the other reasons are because they hope they can fool their customers into thinking it was just GWENT, because that will (if most customers accept that weak explanation, which I certainly don't) lessen panic about GOG's apparent impending doom.
low rated
CybernetikFrozone: What will become of Gog, will it continue to exist, will Microsoft continue to release games on Gog?
Phil Spencer said on a podcast once that he had no issue selling old games on GOG, he just didn't think it was something they'd get around to anytime soon because they're busy with so many other things. Take that for what it's worth.
low rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I don't think GOG is going to make it into the future.

I hope it does, but all the signs lately seem to be that it won't, i.e. adding a support chatbot to weed out people from to talking to a GOG staff, GOG staff no longer writing basic descriptions about sales, GOG losing millions of dollars last year, etc. etc.

All of those are signs of massive desperation on GOG's part.

Even when GOG makes a thread trying to spin-doctor the chatbot as a "good" thing that is there to benefit customers, like they did last week, IMO that's just a facade to try and divert attention away from the fact that really the chatbot is an act of desperation.

GOG blaming all of their financial troubles on their previous membership in the GWENT consortium is also a sign of misdirection IMO. I'm sure they really know that that is not the only reason why GOG isn't doing well, but I think they refuse to admit publicly what the other reasons are because they hope they can fool their customers into thinking it was just GWENT, because that will (if most customers accept that weak explanation, which I certainly don't) lessen panic about GOG's apparent impending doom.
speculation their is no financial reports released on GOG
CD PROJEKT S.A. is looking a lot worse to be honest it's leverage is still way to high, they just broke even (cost and earnings) the good news is they not have loons but the way it looks it's not that good.
i don't really think they gonna survive next 4 years it's really looking bad financial
low rated
Well, it doesn't say anything good about a company if they started to shadowban/screen people's posts. My posts are invisible up to hours now (when I log off they disappear). And it seems like I am not the only one. I don't see the future bright. And even if I got an answer from the support after months now, they just told me they are working on "actual" answers, but they have to talk with a lawyer. Nothing since then...
And their thread about the bot and improving of communication with people went dead to the point that even downvoting bots following me around don't care about it anymore...
Post edited January 23, 2022 by Ramor_
low rated
apehater: microsoft will buy gog/cdpr before or after its bankrupt. and gog/cdpr will be bankrupt very soon i guess. when that happens, this place won't be drm-free. everything else will stay as shitty as it is now or become worse in here. but its not like gog is now completely drm-free. best thing one can do is just to not buy here, aside from very few exceptions.
yes , wonder when will that happen
in less than 2 years?

hmm another topic dvoted, looks like a gog fanatic cant handle reality
Post edited January 23, 2022 by Orkhepaj
low rated
Orkhepaj: Another user told me that the setting to hide downvoted posts is on by default for new accounts. :D

EDIT_1: My post in the boycotting thread is still invisible and it didn't trigger the activity of the thread. It's 50 minutes already.
Since it works here and someone else had the same issue there, they are "screening" the boycotting thread now. That itself can derail the communication, it's flow and also it gives them a time and a possibility to see what are people about to post, operate on the background and release it afterwards and call it "misinformation".

This is how social media works now...
Well.. not really a new thing. :D

EDIT_2: Still not visible. Well, I guess the thread will not be "up" for long... Interesting.. it's my post about incorrect times of posts (at certain moments - they literally state a lie) and how problematic and misusable that is. And not by the user.
Post edited January 23, 2022 by Ramor_
low rated
CybernetikFrozone: What will become of Gog, will it continue to exist, will Microsoft continue to release games on Gog?
StingingVelvet: Phil Spencer said on a podcast once that he had no issue selling old games on GOG, he just didn't think it was something they'd get around to anytime soon because they're busy with so many other things. Take that for what it's worth.
Phil Spencer? He must have taken a real career change!
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I don't think GOG is going to make it into the future.

I hope it does, but all the signs lately seem to be that it won't, i.e. adding a support chatbot to weed out people from to talking to a GOG staff, GOG staff no longer writing basic descriptions about sales, GOG losing millions of dollars last year, etc. etc.

All of those are signs of massive desperation on GOG's part.

Even when GOG makes a thread trying to spin-doctor the chatbot as a "good" thing that is there to benefit customers, like they did last week, IMO that's just a facade to try and divert attention away from the fact that really the chatbot is an act of desperation.

GOG blaming all of their financial troubles on their previous membership in the GWENT consortium is also a sign of misdirection IMO. I'm sure they really know that that is not the only reason why GOG isn't doing well, but I think they refuse to admit publicly what the other reasons are because they hope they can fool their customers into thinking it was just GWENT, because that will (if most customers accept that weak explanation, which I certainly don't) lessen panic about GOG's apparent impending doom.
Abishia: speculation their is no financial reports released on GOG
CD PROJEKT S.A. is looking a lot worse to be honest it's leverage is still way to high, they just broke even (cost and earnings) the good news is they not have loons but the way it looks it's not that good.
i don't really think they gonna survive next 4 years it's really looking bad financial
TBH after the cyberpunk debacle I have no time for CDPr so good riddance. Just hope GOG can be brought by another company to keep it going, one whose focus isn’t an online only R* social club wannabe.
Post edited January 23, 2022 by nightcraw1er.488
low rated
nightcraw1er.488: Yeah, that... CDPR...

Millions of taxmoney... for Cyberpunk.
low rated
bought out by Microsoft as a 'we aren't against consumers' move; but just be essentially gutted back to the most old decrepit useless titles.
low rated
I see, well then I guess I'll go ahead and back up all the titles and brace myself for losing Gog.
low rated
gog will do fine as long as they renew their commitment to drm free games and the userbase buys more games to support them.
low rated
Slick_JMista: gog will do fine as long as they renew their commitment to drm free games and the userbase buys more games to support them.
It’s something that always comes up, why should we “support” them? They are a business, if there business does not provide what the customer wants it’s up to the business to fix it. I will buy some games when the store provides the functionality I expect, not before.
low rated
GOG isn't making much, if any, money. They sell games with DRM. They are selling pornography now. They appear to not care what their customers think.

I think their future may not be so bright.
low rated
Aplomado: GOG isn't making much, if any, money. They sell games with DRM. They are selling pornography now. They appear to not care what their customers think.

I think their future may not be so bright.
we will see , maybe they will get a new leadership and things change for the better
low rated
Aplomado: GOG isn't making much, if any, money. They sell games with DRM. They are selling pornography now. They appear to not care what their customers think.

I think their future may not be so bright.
pornography is cool