The outdated material, the fact that I was in a Christian Private School when I was having a falling out with the religion, the want to rut in spite of the aforementioned factor; the fact that the school was not divided per grade, the funding problems, the lack of accreditation meaning it may potentially be worthless, the fact that my friends were several years my junior, the entire lack of an internet connection or modern computer equipment, the fact that the gym teacher was a hardass who seemed to think that military exercise programmes would work for all sizes and shapes, the fact that the entire facility largely was placed in the basement of the same church meaning I wouldn't get to breathe from the churchgoing environs, and probably more.
So pick three.
Right, I just recalled. The gym teacher, who was also the youth pastor (and happily preached Rapturemania [TL;DR: Utter codswallop about "The Endtimes" according to that hallucination tacked onto the end of the Christian Bible.] to us teenagers) also had his son in attendance, who was a bully in spite of his junior age and probable intellectual disablement.
Post edited May 21, 2021 by Darvond