fr33kSh0w2012: Also pro tip your body degrades and ages at a faster rate, I should know but I won't say anymore then that. ;D
GameRager: Funny thing: If we could make it not basically cloning/self harm, teleportation(as it takes time now) would allow one to theoretically travel far into the future.....assuming the servers/hardware could last that long, that is.
Actually, similar forward time travel is possible by going at nearly the speed of light. Thanks to dime dialation, assuming that arbitrarily large finite amounts of energy are available (note that this isn't quite the same as infinite energy, which would actually allow reaching the speed of light), it is possible to travel arbitrarily far (from the reference frame of an outside observer) in an arbitrarily short amount of time (from the reference frame of the one travelling); this can allow for an arbitrarily large (for the observer) amount of time to pass in an arbitrarily small (for the traveler) amount of time.
Anyway, another thing I hate is the loud sounds that motercycles tend to make, to the point where they are quite loud even when inside a nearby building. Why? Why do they have to make so much noise? (How are such vehicles even legal? After all, cars have to be reasonably quiet to be allowed on the roads.)
hudfreegamer: If they really wanted a valid test, they could load a simple html5 game that had you click inside a circle (for example). That would be far more effective as human verification and quicker for people.
Then somebody writes a computer program that plays the game for them, and then the capcha now allows bots throguh.