Hesusio: I know it's pretty much every second post at this point, but social media. I don't mind the idea in theory. I enjoy talking shit with all of my friends over the internet as much as the next guy. In practice though, it's true purpose is to allow your boss, your government and anyone who wants to sell you something to spy on you.
Not to mention, it somehow made the already utterly insufferable celebrity culture 1000x worse. Pre-2008 or so, I wouldn't have thought for a second that was even possible, but we as a society overcame the odds and managed to find a way. Well done us, I suppose.
Agreed. Spying to maintain tabs(to sell people stuff, and to allow people/groups to fin d dirt to bury their enemies) is a good portion of "free" social media sites.
Heck, that one leak(
the big wikileaks one) showed corps funnel
alot of that data to centers nationwide to collect it for usage later(I don't recall how they use it, but it's probably not for any good use).
And yeah, many seem to have overinflated egos as a result(though I consider the spying[understandably] a bit worse).
Emob78: I think social media has just put all the bad elements on supercharge. Keyword limits have stunted interactivity and conversation range, hacking has become far worse now, and Orwellian data centers are gobbling up every single bit of info they can on ppls' lives, networks, and interests.
No, I saw it coming back in the Myspace days and even got rid of that around 2006 or so. Once Google grabbed up Youtube I deleted my account there as well. Only way to get in touch with me now is through cell or private email. Because of social media, my presence online has become limited basically to email and a few forums like this one. I don't necessarily see it as a bad thing.
People are putting their entire lives online now, for everyone to see. If it's true that knowledge is power, well people are putting way too much power into the hands of strangers, bosses, jilted ex lovers, and government snoop agencies.
The keyword limit crap on Soc Media is also BS. Text uses very little disk space/bandwidth, so they could stand to increase char limits on some sites. It(and the instant gratification need of many people) leads to the stupid text lingo we have nowadays(simple stuff like abbreviations such as LOL/AMA/IRL is fine, as are emotes, imo).
I keep a youtube for flagged content(which happens to even some political/ideological content, or videos on certain current issues) & an email for signing up to stuff(and a backup email to keep the primary one from crapping out/etc), but not much else(beyond signing up for GOG/Steam/some forums/etc. Anything more(for the most part) would just be feeding the data retention giants with ad revenue and info on my personal life, so scr*w that.