Brasas: Here's the takeaways I see:
- Avoiding repetitive arguments is valuable but taboos / banning are not universal solutions.
- If you feel you need to answer / respond to someone and their question or post looks like a challenge: be particularly aware of your own emotional engagement.
- Be particularly considerate of newbies. Instead of being dismissive (also via joking) point them to FAQs, link to previous posts or maybe just ignore them (if you can't be constructive)?
- Be particularly considerate of numbers - what I would call mobbing - when the same person is being talked to by numerous others it is inevitable to feel overwhelmed, even if everyone is polite.
- Tone does wonders. Just all around being nice (no sarcasm, no irony, no dismissiveness) and taking others while assuming good faith. This ties back to emotional engagement. If you feel like you are talking to an enemy, you're probably part of the problem.
I really agree with what you're saying, and perhaps trying to do. However, at times it seems the most crotchety, old-at-heart, or stubborn people here end up being the most vocal, or the quickest to answer.