The Atlantis games which looked nice when they originally came out but you would need a walkthrough for some of the more silly puzzles. They often go on sale for a cheap price.
SmollestLight: Deadly Premonition :D
Linko64: Low budget doesn't = bad. For the budget they had, they managed to nail the Twin Peaks Influence while still making a pretty competent gameplay experience. It's not their fault most people weren't aware of Twin Peaks or/and were fed a diet of triple A games that were polished but had no depth beyond 'yo, look at this shiny thing!'
The botched PC port is what makes it bad.
It also highlights the flaws in controller config programs when it comes to swapping or locking axis, including steam controller where you had to pull some trick with the dpad settings because the game had swapped around what the joystick does.