Posted April 19, 2018

It's a closed source proprietary code. Wireshark will only show you encrypted traffic for the parts that are interesting.
I would not be surprised if Unity games end up disclosed to have a way to harvest all metrics stored on a specific machine. Unity loves its data too much for me to be comfortable with, even though I firewall anything trying to knock on the gateway without a damn good reason.
Interestingly enough, a lot of games on GOG require localhost loopback or they crash... and that itself could be used to hook into svchost.exe to get access to network (Windows relies on it to maintain network connection, so unless you have a really fancy firewall that will differentiate between each instance of it running, you're SOL on blocking things).
Mostly, though, I'm concerned at GOG's direction lately. More and more it smells like they are planning to cash in on their userbase metrics. It's a company, that data sure is in demand, but I'd like to have one goddamn source of games that won't fuck me over on the flip-back.