deja65: Fairfox is really getting hammered by the down rep bots for the last couple of months if not even more.I will definitely miss her and that unique and mind-bogglingly hard to understand english of hers ;).Cheers
mqstout: FYI, I'm not a bot. And I know a lot of other individual users who aren't bots. We regularly downrepped her because her posts were consistently incomprehensible garbage, and usually rather off-topic as well (or, so you would discover, if you spent the mental effort to decode the gibberish). This isn't one to blame on bots, if such bots even exist. That downward, negative, reputation was entirely
As I said earlier, I don't wish Fairfox any ill will and hope she is fine as a person. But I'm certainly not going to miss those posts whatsoever.
Which is exactly the real problem here. Especially as you present this information as something like a "badge of honor". I repeat myself even though I already know that you (and those "others") either won't be able or willing to comprehend it:
"People with bad spelling don't worry me. What does worry me, is the fact, that people are "training/conditioning" themselves to be inable to protect themselves from things they deem harmful to themselves. "Ignore" buttons, "block" buttons, "downvote" buttons are used on mundane things, because they are incapable of ignoring things on their own, because they "conditioned" themselves to have to read everything and have to respond to everything. That is unhealthy. Real life doesn't have those buttons."
"Edit: Besides, no-one gets forced to converse with someone they deem toxidic or whatever or even acknowledge their existance in any way to begin with. Failing to distance oneself from something/someone deemed harmful to oneself is not the things/persons fault but solely oneselves."
For short: You don't have to respond/acknowledge/engage/whatever. It is simply that you are incapable not to. And the numbers of people like you are growing (at least it seems like that to me). There is a whole generation of people incapable of steering themselves from the edge of the abyss (any abyss that might present itself), because there is no button for it.