I love this thread. These are some examples of video game OSTS I always come back into.
Total Annihilation: Greatest OST ever by any standard ever :D!
DOOM (2016): Why the fuck not?
Dynasty Warriors 9: It has the best ost of these type of games up to date.
Dynasty Warriors 8: I always come back to this song on a regular basis and it also makes me want to play more DW games :P!
Eleminator: This soundtrack happens if you let prodogy Jaroen Tel make music. The game is also a remarkable one for the C64 as well.
Night in the Woods: It has some very good and very different musical themes throughout the game, but this one is the most memoriable songs from the tracklist.
Star Control 2: For such a ground breaking game, the OST is suprisingly unremarkable. This is the only track from the game I sometimes come back to.
Prophesy of Pendor: Greatest video game battle theme of all time.
Formula One: Greatest Amiga Intro of all time.
Lost Technology: Unknown game, probably the best OST of 2017.
Monkey Island: Please stand up for germanys national anthem.