Mr.Caine: I don't play RPG's very often but when I do I expect them to have the complexity it became popular/revered for.
Fever_Discordia: Actually How RPG-isgh would you say the Borderlands games are? - they've always sounded RPG-like but not, like Dead Island, to me...
Sorry to intrude, but Borderlands and the term RPG being used together seems to be triggering a response in me. The Borderlands series of games are not RPGs. They're first-person shooters with character customization. There's you, there's a story, there are people, but ultimately you have no choices. You can't decide to become the dictator of the planet, you can't decide to work for the bad guy, you have no choices that affect anything in any real way other than following the story. You can decide what guns to carry, but that's about it. Have seen people talking about how watered down RPG has become as a descriptive phrase, but there's my line in the sand. If you can't alter the story in any way that really matters? You're playing an action game. Pick your weapons, pick your skills, pick your class, pick crap up off the ground, it's still a frigging action game.