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low rated
Cavalary: Other than that, I really fail to see the appeal of typical ARPGs, starting with the Diablos. With a decent world and nice events in it, like Divine Divinity, sure, that was nice, but if it's just the clickfest, no thank you.
Is that a problem with so-called "ARPG"s in general, or of just Diablo-likes? Many games I've played that would fit in that classification, like Zelda 2 and Final Fantasy Adventure, don't involve any clicking at all.

Then again, as I've mentioned before, such games shouldn't be called "RPG"s in the first place; if I am looking for an RPG to play, such games aren't even considered, no matter how good they are. (I do sometimes play those sort of games, but they don't fill the "RPG" slot for me.)

wyrenn: The only new games I like are the new games that try to be NES/SNES/GENESIS games.
What aboud those games that actually *are* NES/SNES/GENESIS games, like Pier Solar and Tanglewood? (In fact, I believe the GOG version of Tanglewood (and all PC versions, actually) actually runs under an emulator.)

Cavalary: More general, probably not unpopular but restrictions on saving suck, and so do time/turn limits.
I consider those to be accessibility issues.

Saving restrictions hurt those who, for whatever reason, can't devote large chunks of time to the game. (This includes school-age students who spend a large chunk of their time at school, adults with jobs and/or kids, and those with disabilities that affect their ability to play games for too long, and probably others.)

Time limits hurt those whose reflexes are not what they used to be, or those who can't play the game by conventional means (for example, having only the use of one hand). They can work as an optional challenge, but shouldn't be mandatory.
Post edited January 28, 2019 by dtgreene
I'm playing through Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness and I gotta say, it's actually okay-decent. Granted that may be because I applied a bunch of fixes and have nostalgia for the game because it was one of the first 3 (which is why I have nostalgia for Doom 3) I played when I got my very first computer. My main issue is how Lara runs into everything and stops way too easily.

I think it's okay to cheat sometimes, especially with older difficult games.
Post edited January 28, 2019 by tfishell
My random statements in no particular order which I think are unpopular:

- Mass Effect 2 was the worst of the series (atrocious gameplay). ME 3 was actually a decent game (if we ignore the ending).

- HoM&M V was at least as good as III. The RPG elements in it were really good (hero development). IV was terrible and never managed to play it longer than an hour.

- Titan Quest is better in every regard than Diablo 2.

- Doom 4 was mediocre and I hated the whole "lore" reboot. Meanwhile, I play the original Dooms and its many WADs on pretty much a yearly basis.

- Serious Sam games are NOT overly difficult.

- I usually enjoy older games much more than the new ones.

- Unreal Tournament is still the best multiplayer shooter.

- Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine is the best action adventure game I have played.

- I hate modern games which have intentionally shitty graphics because RETRO. "Look at all the huge pixels!!! You are feeling nostalgia right???"

- One of my most anticipated games in 2019 is Ion Maiden (a game on Build Engine).

- Never played a game from Nintendo and have no desire to do so. TBH, I never understood why their games became so popular in the first place.
idbeholdME: - Never played a game from Nintendo and have no desire to do so. TBH, I never understood why their games became so popular in the first place.
HEY !!!

These games were awesome !
idbeholdME: - Never played a game from Nintendo and have no desire to do so. TBH, I never understood why their games became so popular in the first place.
Telika: HEY !!!

These games were awesome !
Heh. That is way older than me. I can understand these very old classics.

What I had more in mind is stuff like modern Zelda, Mario etc. games.
Here are some, less than popular opinions:

= Heroes 2 is the pinnacle of the Heroes... series. Heroes 3 is just Heroes 2 with several added elements, and terrible art.

= Heroes 4 is the pinnacle of the Heroes... series, when it comes to storytelling.

= Once I stopped thinking of Fallout 3 as the third in the Fallout series, and I simply skipped over everything that has to do with the Fallout canon, I quite enjoy it as a sandbox game, where I run through the world and see what shenanigans I can get into. I like it no less, or more, than Skyrim or Farcry Primal.

= Fallout New Vegas is the sequel to Fallout 1&2... that's where the series ends. A trilogy, that follows the natural tread of getting progressively worse. From masterpiece to pretty good.

= Fallout Tactics is actually a really good tactics games with some a decent story. It was never meant to be a RPG, so there's no need to hold it to that standard.

= Rogue's Legacy is a horrible game, and everybody who claims otherwise is wrong.

= Most games today are too long for their own good.
idbeholdME: - Never played a game from Nintendo and have no desire to do so. TBH, I never understood why their games became so popular in the first place.
Wait a second. You haven't played The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening? Whenever I think of Nintendo games this is the first to come in mind. Easily one of the best action / adventure games up to this day. If you can have (legal) access to it do yourself a favor and give it a go. If no other Nintendo can change your opinion, this may actually do it. (Sorry if I sound like a fanboy, it is one of the first games I was addicted to on the original GameBoy back then :) ).

edit: something's wrong with the url posting I guess, so here's a plain wikipedia link:
Post edited January 28, 2019 by Panaias
Sabin_Stargem: #13: The DanganRonpa series disappointed me. The cases don't feel as interesting as those of Ace Attorney, the stakes don't feel genuine, and the overarching mystery is just a giant tease that never truly got resolved.
I've only played the first game on the PSP, before the series hit the West. It is a decent game but I never got why it was hyped that much.
DadJoke007: I might add that I never got why people praised Skyrim. Every time I give that game a chance, it almost puts me to sleep. The combat is as repetive and shallow as the game world. Every single thing in that game feels like a chore.
Don't the core RPG gamers generally say that it's not such a good game while the standard gamers like it? Same with Fallout 3 and 4.
DadJoke007: I enjoyed Sonic R a lot and completed the game 100% before playing something else. That was on the Sonic Gems Collection for the PS2, so it wasn't any hype at release involved.
There are actually quite a number of people that really like Sonic R. I've never played it myself, so I can't say anything in that regard.

1. Dead Space is not scary, it's boring and really short (not even 6 hours). The absolutely terrible controls for the PC version don't help either.
2. Dragon Age: Origins is overrated. Worst part is that the game forces you to do things while pretending that you have any freedom (No, I DON'T want to become a Grey Warden).
3. Super Mario Bros. 3 is overrated. How anyone can say that it comes close to Sonic 1 or 2 is beyond me. The levels are extremely short and simple, it's laughable.

Other than that, it's more about "death in MMOs should make you lose EXP" or something. Or in general: The gaming market has become way too casualized.
Quake IV has one of the best FPS campaigns out there.
tinyE: I hate the System Shock games.
kalirion: That sounds like a statement of fact instead of opinion :)
Uhhhhh no. :P

The System Shock games suck = statement of fact

I hate the System Shock games = statement of opinion
high rated
dtgreene: It seems that toxic masculinity is alive and well in the gaming community, and the attitude that everyone should play the game their way is one way it manifests. (This toxic masculinity is one reason I don't play competitive multiplayer.)
I don't think this has anything to do with "toxic masculinity". Girls/women can just be as intolerant, mean and bossy as men. I find "toxic masculinity" a pretty sexist term, despite my nick (which is from the 90's, when those "neo-feminist" terms weren't a thing*).

* 'toxic masculinity' was coined in the late 80's to early 90's in psychologists' research, picked up speed in literature in 2004 and made it into the internet about 2013...
Post edited January 28, 2019 by toxicTom
Matewis: Quake IV has one of the best FPS campaigns out there.
Really? I love Quake 1 - 3, but gave up on Quake IV after one or two hours due to the slow running tempo that infuriated me. Like running in molasses. Maybe I should give it another go since I enjoy both Doom 3 and the older Quake games.
- Games weren't better in the good old days (and not necessarily worse either).
- Modern AAA games aren't all shit.
- HOGs, Visual Novels, casual games etc. have a right to exist and be sold and people have a right to enjoy them without being insulted for it, regardless of your own preferences (I prefer other genres as well).
- "Walking Simulators" are games, and not necessarily bad ones.
- Console gaming is a viable alternative or addition to PC gaming (even if I prefer the latter myself)
- Using a gamepad for PC games can actually be a lot of fun.
- Neither checkpoint systems nor the option to (quick)save everywhere you want are inherently bad and ruining a game. But "difficulty" shouldn't be measured in how much time and progress you're going to lose if you fail.
- Games should dare to be different more often, not repeat the same old tropes again and again, use the same old mechanics without questioning them, or endlessly continue with sequels, just because players ask for more of the same.
- Mediocre games can still be fun to play.
- Many games would be better without boss battles (at least of the kind that are separate from the regular gameplay, introduced by long cutscenes and involving scripted patterns and phases and such).
- Pixel art is a valid design choice for indie games.
- Gamelength is not a good criterion for judging a game's value. Longer isn't necessarily better or more worthy of your money.
- There are very few games that offer actual replayability in a significant sense. Most games with alleged replayability still include too much repetition on a second playthrough and the parts that will be different are rather small in comparison.
- Not everything Chris Avellone touches automatically turns to gold. PS:T was great, but beyond that I have yet to see evidence that his writing is better (or better suited) than anyone else's.
- Most fantasy settings are pretty bland, generic and derivative, including the inexplicably popular Forgotten Realms (not that I mind that much, playing in generic settings, but I don't get why people actually think it's great, and better than something original and innovative).
Post edited July 20, 2019 by Leroux
Matewis: Quake IV has one of the best FPS campaigns out there.
DadJoke007: Really? I love Quake 1 - 3, but gave up on Quake IV after one or two hours due to the slow running tempo that infuriated me. Like running in molasses. Maybe I should give it another go since I enjoy both Doom 3 and the older Quake games.
The game just clicks with me and I've often wondered why. I think it has to do with the, to me at least, great world building (that 2D backdrop is amazing) and sense of purpose. That is, during the campaign I often feel like I'm part of an actual war against an actual threat to humanity. Apart from Half-life 2 perhaps I can't think of another FPS that evokes that kind of feeling.
Lucumo: 1. Dead Space ..... The absolutely terrible controls for the PC version don't help either.
Care to elaborate? I had absolutely no issues playing with a mouse and keyboard.