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I played through the original Halo and found it exceedingly dull.
Bouchart: I played through the original Halo and found it exceedingly dull.
Not to mention inferior to the original Marathon trilogy.
Borderlands is by far the most well praised game that I completely dislike. I was expecting a shooter rpg from the "it has a great story" everyone was telling me, not a first person grindfest for items and levels with 10 second cutscenes every 20 hours in for the total 2 minutes of plot that the game has. And Claptrap is annoying like Jar Jar Binks, not funny at all.

Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I beat Fallout 3 only because I bought it and wanted to finish it. I really dislike that game. It has a few good parts hidden behind hours of horrible boring ones. I can see the appeal if you're a modder with lots of free time, bandwidth, and very few games. That ain't me though. It's just a slow trudge through not enough dialogue and a large environment. You don't feel like you're exploring a world in post-apocalyptia. New Vegas is even more poorly themed than 3 was.

Left 4 Dead 2 is a game that takes a great formula its predecessor made and turns it all into crap. The first game was atmospheric, the weapons were balanced, and it was a LOT of fun. The second gets rid of everything that made the first one so great, turns it into an action game, unbalances the guns, and then adds some extra modes. What you get is...higher reviews and accolades? I don't understand people. :|

I'm aware that everything I hate about them is why other people love them though.
Klumpen0815: Resident Evil
Crosmando: Oh come on, I can understand hating the action-RE's starting with 4, but the original trilogy was pure gold. Even if you don't like the tank controls and fixed perspective, you have to admire the soundtrack, atmosphere and story.
I doubt they'll ever be games with more unnerving-yet-beautiful music than RE 1-3.
Why? The modern generation of kids are going to take to RE5+ a lot quicker than any other in the series. They're more modern and aren't as bad as old timers like to say.

Personally my choice is and always will be Deus Ex and most games made by Obsidian. I love their creativity but the game play is just awful. Obsidian always has the awful bugs.
Crosmando: Oh come on, I can understand hating the action-RE's starting with 4, but the original trilogy was pure gold. Even if you don't like the tank controls and fixed perspective, you have to admire the soundtrack, atmosphere and story.
I doubt they'll ever be games with more unnerving-yet-beautiful music than RE 1-3.
darthspudius: Why? The modern generation of kids are going to take to RE5+ a lot quicker than any other in the series.
That's because millennials are retarded.
darthspudius: Why? The modern generation of kids are going to take to RE5+ a lot quicker than any other in the series.
Crosmando: That's because millennials are retarded.
Sounds like you're awfully narrow minded. I have enjoyed every Resident Evil game to different degrees since the original came out. I can think of plenty of pre Resi 4 games that were a lot worse than Resi 5/6.
Atlantico: Hotline Miami, I just don't get it and the atmosphere is annoying to me. It's too busy and it kinda gets the decade wrong. Psychedelic 60s or maybe 70s but 80? Hell no, that was all cocaine man! If the gameplay is good, I wouldn't know, I can't get past the constantly tilting screen. Lot of people adore this game, but it's not for me.
I'll have to agree here. I just get annoyed when I try to play the game, I don't get its cult following.

And what's with the boring trippy title theme music always being mentioned in the "good game music" polls? If more games sounded like that, I'd probably shoot myself (in the game, not in real life of course). The music is like from some bad David Lynch movie.
Post edited October 26, 2015 by timppu
Crosmando: That's because millennials are retarded.
darthspudius: Sounds like you're awfully narrow minded. I have enjoyed every Resident Evil game to different degrees since the original came out. I can think of plenty of pre Resi 4 games that were a lot worse than Resi 5/6.
You can like them as ~games~, and as action-games, but not as Resident Evil games. They were not survival horror games and they had nothing even approaching the atmosphere or style of the original trilogy+REmake.
dirt series is pretty well received but I never really loved it too much.
There's a few but the first prize goes to Tomb Raider. The mainstream reviews were obviously too focused on Lara's arse to notice the spastic and unhelpful camera angles. I thought the second game was okay but not enough for me to repurchase it on GOG

Starcraft 2 and Halo:Combat Evolved are the runners up.

While I didn't dislike the game perse, Half Life 2 got a lot more praise than it deserved so it's here as an honourary mention.
IwubCheeze: There's a few but the first prize goes to Tomb Raider. The mainstream reviews were obviously too focused on Lara's arse to notice the spastic and unhelpful camera angles.
You mean the 1996 game? i still like it, it is the kind of relaxed, thinking-man's, platforming action that I prefer over faster 3D platforming.

For the camera sometimes pointing to wrong way because you were so close to a wall etc., you could still also look around you with the camera. There was a specific button for that. Also because the game had autoaim and in jumping it automatically detected the edge of the platform, the camera occasionally pointing to a wrong direction didn't matter that much.

I think Ive seen many third-person view games where I've had more issues with the camera than in TR, like some of those Blood Omen games and such, or many GTA clones.
I tried and failed to get into The Witcher. Found it super repetitive and the combat system wasnt all it was cracked up to be. To be fair, I am not a huge fast twitch combat guy to begin with so take it for what its worth.
I have to say "The Last of Us"

Reason: I don't have quite a strong reason for this, since I have never played the game myself. Only by watching other people's walkthroughs from the internet has made me realize how repetitive the game is as you progress through the story. Most of the things you do starting from the very first part of the game, are the same until you reach the ending of it.
Going to have to go with Gothic 1 and 2. The combat is so damned clunky, that it sucks more than a busy glory hole on friday night.

The bad thing about it is I really WANT to like it.
Post edited October 26, 2015 by pimpmonkey2382.313
pimpmonkey2382.313: Going to have to go with Gothic 1 and 2. The combat is so damned clunky, that it sucks more than a busy glory hole on friday night.

The bad thing about it is I really WANT to like it.
you start out clunky. it's a gameplay mechanic. you are a terrible fighter at the start and get much better as the game progresses. Everything gets better then (responsiveness, animations, damage etc...). Don't venture too far beyond at first, do a lot of questing, kill easy prey and if you have learned it, sell their fur.