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Argy mumbles: "I prefer to enter da tower, I be tiny and jolly at entering places and not be seen but I be nay so good at boarding the ship fer... re'sons" "but wh'tever ye say, I be nay capt'n"
She, whistling a merry song, unpacks her belongings, grabs a big frying pan, two knives, a spoon, a pepper grinder, a sealed clay pot with a smiling face drawn on it and two "magdalenas" and dirties her face with grease and ashes from the kitchen (to almost no effect, given the hygienic conditions of the ship's life) and readies to carry out whatever her orders are
gogtrial34987: We have all night long. We can pick up the crew taking care of the guard tower before the ship moves into the harbour - that way, if we need to make a hasty retreat, we won't leave anyone behind.
ssling: Nay, someone could approach the tower in the meantime, find dead or unconscious guards, and raise the alarm. Then we'd be cooked.
"It's the middle of the night. No one would be coming over. And even if, the alarm would be way over there," Grog'tial stabs the map for extra emphasis, "while we would be on the ship, snugly tied into the harbor over here!" Another stab. "Just another ship, far away. In the dark!"

"Given the way we left our last harbour, the only risk from the guard tower is for the short window where we'd initially be sailing past. We just need them to not be seeing us then!"
gogtrial34987: "It's the middle of the night. No one would be coming over. And even if, the alarm would be way over there," Grog'tial stabs the map for extra emphasis, "while we would be on the ship, snugly tied into the harbor over here!" Another stab. "Just another ship, far away. In the dark!"

"Given the way we left our last harbour, the only risk from the guard tower is for the short window where we'd initially be sailing past. We just need them to not be seeing us then!"
I can see what yer sayin', though remainin' question is: can this harbor be closed? If there are gates, we need assurance that our escape route will be wide open. In case of alarm, closin' it would be first thing they do.
ssling: I can see what yer sayin', though remainin' question is: can this harbor be closed? If there are gates, we need assurance that our escape route will be wide open. In case of alarm, closin' it would be first thing they do.
Can nay tell exactly sure, but the walls tween the towers look quite defensible. Just judging by the distance on here map, it looks to be a tight squeeze for any ship attacking or retreating. We be lucky our route doesn't need us to go farther than smuggling docks, so we will only need to contend with one set of them; though I'd expect there be gates or chains or nets to close the gap as needed. All the more reason to make sure they can nay raise any kind of alarm, hope be, by sabotage of any means of doing so. Bell ropes can be cut, wood for signal fires soaked or hidden, warning horns stolen. If everything goes so bad that they close both gaps -here- (points at the gap between H1 and H2) and -here- (points at the gap leading into the Great Harbor), we will find ourselves with not much space to skirt around any shots.
Post edited September 15, 2023 by LordKaylar
Durik was so happy about his new weapon that he started talking and patting it like it was a living creature.
"Nice cannon, u be my pet like them Foggy and Mighty ones. Me call you Dakka!"
"Ye like eatin' foes to shoota? That strange but ok"

After Polly explained the mission, the crewmembers started discussing about the possible plans.
"Durik not smart, but thinks all crew attack be too noisy. If Aylar good, he uses his silver thingy to jump to guards or sneak onto ship. But he not stronk like orc.."

"Me can't use Dakka because too loud." :(
"But me still have cudgel." :)

("Did ye notice dat creature speakin' strange words? Is it ghost?")
Post edited September 15, 2023 by phaolo
Polly listened as the Crew discussed the Mission. Her job was to provide what intel she knew and to control the Ship. In the tradition of the Brethren, the Crew would discuss the raid, decide their course and complete - successfully they all hoped! - the Mission. However, there were a few things she might be able to clear up or add.

She looked at Grog'tial, then also around the table. "Be ye rememberin', ye can only use yer Cursed Items once fer the entire Mission, so fer instance if ye use yer lady's song to stun the guards, there'll be only the listenin' left an' that be to a specific conversation or area ye wish to be hearin' within yer sight fer a few minutes, not the entire night."

To Captain Baldbeard she said, "Aye, the Denuvo be moored at the leftmost dock at Smuggler's Dock, as ye indicate there. Aye, the Ship can land a party on the beach via havin' ye take the longboat to that inlet there to the left of C69, where the map indicate there be no cliff to climb but instead only an incline up the way. It be a blind spot fer the H1 Watch unless one be on the Wall at that exact spot right then. I be told they don't walk the Wall much, but stay mostly to the tower, which has an iron gate pass thru. I nay know if the gate be always locked, but a single Nightwatch comes out of the tower topside at odd times to have a look around afore returnin' inside ag'in. And sure, ye can be takin' the Longboat into the harbor yerselves if ye wish, but it be under yer own rowing power and such speed and sound as yer oars make in and back out ag'in. I only control the Ship, and must stay within a certain range of it, and the Ship has its own power and quiet against the waves."

Polly then nodded to Durik. "Durik smart enough, and Durik be right," she looked at each of the half-orcs. "Durik, Foggy, Mighty ... this time ye be sneaky. If we get what we come for - next time ye go in smashing!."

(I reported that ghost. May it rot in Davy Jones Locker.)
Post edited September 15, 2023 by bjgamer
Mighty was confused as he is not particularly good at sneaking but very good at smashing skulls.

We could always sneak into the tower and - sneakily - smash skulls of the guards. Three headed monkey and a parrot Cracker could be a good distraction.

Than someone not to0 half-orky in appearance could dress as guard and lock the tower from inside. Mighty thinks that it could be hard to tell if someone is a guard or pirate in guard uniform by looking from distance.
Post edited September 15, 2023 by Sulibor
gogtrial34987: Now, I see clear as day here on the map that the guard house is pretty isolated - so I can just blow my conch seashell and have all guards mesmerized, without attracting any attention from anyone out of mesmerizing range.

"Now, if we're ever discovered, we might need a distraction - and some exploding cupcakes sounds like just the thing for that - mebbe right here in the vicinity of this "C52" fortification, where it'll draw all attention away from the docks?
OOC, mostly due to lack of time for coming up with an in-character way of conveying this: I got confirmed that the assumptions for both of these hold true. So if we want to use my 1-shot mesmerizing for this mission on the guards, that should be a pretty safe bet. I'm now thinking it might be overkill for what will probably be regular mortal guards, and would be of more use against the Vampirates? Also bother, I hadn't realized that the listening (unlike the seeing for Pugwash) would be so limited in duration. So that'll be a much more situational ability.
Post edited September 15, 2023 by gogtrial34987
"Hmmm... Mr. Mighty may be onto something here... It's nice to see the public education system achieving at least some results! (I was privately educated by the best personal tutors in the land, naturally). Let's take full control of the watchtower. Prince Albatross can certainly fly Argy and myself to the top of the tower, maybe others if you're not too heavy, where we can lie in wait for the solitary guard and...ahem...dispose of them one by one, put on their uniforms, and take over! Mighty, Durik and Foggy causing a commotion downstairs will help keep the the remaining guards distracted, but try to make sure they don't get suspicious. Just ask for directions and act confused or something. No noisy brawling! In any case, we need to rig prince Alby Walby's harness so I'm off to buy equipment: if anyone wants to add to my shopping list, say so now!"

(I'll buy five ropes, five tackle, five sacks, wood, a hammer, saw and nails, if if they're not already onboard).
Post edited September 15, 2023 by servobeupstry
Polly nodded to Queen Origi, "The Ship has a carpentry area below decks, not unlike per the Denuvo plan, an' tools, beams and planks as may be needed to repair the Ship. As I said, you will find rope, tackle and sacks in the Ship's storage and leather strapping be there as well. As we be out to sea, I do not know where yer majesty might be plannin' a shoppin' trip, unless ye be meanin' us to drop ye off to shop the port town as we be sneakin' in after midnight?" She cocked her head inquiringly.

Then Polly turned to address both Aylar and Count Karnstein, "There be large chain links attached to large pulley wheels sighted at the end towers, but I nay have confirmation of their condition nor how high they rise."
Post edited September 15, 2023 by bjgamer
Larissa knew the crew would resort t' drinkin' as much rum as they could
t' stimulate thar best creativity, 'twas clear then the decision on strategy
would be called by the last pirate standin' as the noble pirate tradition dictates

'n she would solemnly honor it by desperately pushin' her way
t' be the first jar served. 'n... o' courseblimey, also the first t' empty! :)

"It's early t' propose 'em the eardrop survellaince wit' Grog'tial's Conch seashell,
send me as uncovered sentinel t' the Denuvos mast.
Rummyfangs usin' the rags disguise sneaks 'n extracts the chest
while the rest o' the crew patiently ambush the Denuvo around 'n make
a heavy o' rain o' fire IF its needed.
Prolly we shall anyway:
Jus' fer fun t' sink that damn Denuvo!!"
Larissa thought as she shouted "Cheers!"
Bhrigu felt a sense of excitement rushing through his veins as Admiral Polly briefed the gathering about the first mission of their voyage. One the one hand Bhrigu was a bit disappointed that they won't have the privilege to visit the port and learn of the customs and manners of the people that had gathered from different parts of the world. But this sadness was only momentary, as it was offset by the possibility of taking on the ship of the vampirates, a ship infamous around the world for masquerading as a friendly vessel while gradually destroying the unwary and trustful boat.

As the crew, both the veterans and the new blood, started discussing the possible routes to reach the target ship, he also started weighing feasible courses of action. Bhrigu picked up a wooden stake and started to examine the sharp pointed tip with his fingers.

"As fer services to the mission, me can possibly use my Cat-o-squids to reach things in hard to reach places. Me have bonded somewhat with them squiggly squid arms a little and they seem to be helpful little things. And can me remind ye that the sabre ain't merely an ornament. Me havin' travelled far and wide through the lands know of self defence, but me want ye all to know that a few moons before a bloodthirsty creature of night crossed my path in a wood, and while fearin' certain death I slashed me blade in its skin, the undead fiend been howlin' with pain and ran away in a hurry. Make what ye will of that. "

"However, me can be of a greater help to ye all by my extremly keen and sophisticated eye, and me penchant to seek to understand novel scripts and languages."

"An' while I appreciate all the zeal ye all have shown, methinks we shall focus on safely getting the chest from the Cap'n's cabin, as we all can feel that might be crucial to our future endeavours. Capturing the guard tower without raisin' a ruckus shall aid our jolly team, methinks"
"What, you mean to tell me this ship doesn't even have a 24/7 retail store onboard? Deary me, I truly am slumming it with the commoners, aren't I? No fear, let's head to the orlop deck then, come on Prince Albatross. Oh, and you there, Foggy is it? I'm sure you'd be honoured to come along to provide assistance for your queen and country, wouldn't you?" (Manipulates Foggy to join them belowdecks to gather gear and rig up a removable harness for prince Albatross).
Count Karnstein was looking with distaste at the halfling disappearing under the deck.

"I was thinkin' of leading the watchtower assault meself, but after this recent scene it's clear that keepin' Her errm Not-So-Highness as far from Denuvo as possible is in our best interest. I'd say: let her do that. With three half-orcs it shouldn't be too hard and our charming boyz will have some good ol' fun. We have to keep those morale high after all. I suggest Aylar to go with boyz in the rowboat, unless he prefer flyin' the pelican. There should be at least one fairly sane person, and in the case of some kind o' disaster, he and the Queen could barricade in tower to keep the chains lowered until we pass 'em and then escape with the help of bird and Aylar's mirror."
Foggy's mighty anxious mind went over stylized combat combos wit' his new trident, over 'n over again. T' 'im, It didn' matter who, when 'n how organized the lootin'. His corpulence 'n strength we be a guarantee o' a stellar participation. "Me starvin', me thirsty", was anythin' he said durin' the whole meetin'.