aihre: That's because YOU are creating the story as you are watching the porn or playing the game. The story isn't given to you on a platter by the devs, you're making that one up yourself.
Video games vs. Solitaire or Tetris is comparing apples and oranges. Solitaire and Tetris are focused on straight mastery of the mechanics. What sets video games apart is the capacity for storytelling -- and storytelling happens to varying degrees. I've elaborated on that in my post above.
Every medium has capacity for storytelling. Even straight real-life implementation. You can make storytelling even during football matches, but that would make for extremely bad version of football. However, football without any story, heck even without any commentaries, is a very valid game.
Solitaire and Tetris vs video games aren't apples and oranges. Every game should be focused on its mechanics, because it is vital part of gameplay, it is the very !definition! of the game. I speak about Solitaire and Tetris as video games, and there are no non-video game versions of Tetris.
Now sorry for vulgar example, but imagine porn, which has no actual porn, but is heavy on storytelling. I can imagine porn without story, but I can't imagine porn without actual sexual acts.
Gnostic: Can you say Solitaire is better then Baldur Gate, Divinity: OS?
Those are different genres, and as such, they have somewhat different abstract models being the core of gameplay. Someone might prefer one model over the other because of personal preferences, or he could as well enjoy both. Now if you say, do you like to play "Solitaire" or "War and Peace" (as a book) more? My answer would be simple, "War and Peace" has no gameplay elements and so I'd rather play Solitaire.