nightcraw1er.488: Sorry, your car door repair has been delayed for 6 months as we are having trouble attaching the trailer you don't need.
JMich: "Sorry, your car door repair has been delayed, here's a car you can use while we get yours fixed".
Hm, that does sound like something my auto repair shop does.
"Sorry, your car door repair has been delayed, here's a car you may be able to use, dependent on whether Gary is available and can sit in the car whilst you drive it. Due to car ownership management Gary needs to be in the car at all times"
Still sound like something they would do?
nightcraw1er.488: C'mon. They are handing out steam keys because the version that doesn't need to include all the steam additional components isn't ready, doesn't that sound weak at best?
Sorry, your car door repair has been delayed for 6 months as we are having trouble attaching the trailer you don't need.
X-com: I think it's because it's taking them forever to implement Galaxy support, it's the reason for delays sometimes
What, you mean the optional client (that one that I have no intention of every touching) is the reason its delayed? Great, just increased my "pissed of at crap clientware" achievement rating.