It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
Mortal Kombat trilogy first download stuck in 85%, then in 92€, now in 48%...WTF.
Frankd3: That's the exe file. Nobody said there was a problem with that.
Didn't you download the bin files?
We are referring to 3 of the bin files. -17 -18 & -19
when you download the offline install as shown in my attachment.
The integrity check fails and the game can not be installed.
MarkoH01: Maybe the reason why neumi was able to install the game was that you have the option to disable integrity check? Maybe - I am just guessing here - the game will install this way ... and probably not working correct?
Maybe that's a good guess.
I think neumi would have found a probllem by now though.
I don't understand why neumi is the only one without damaged files.

But finally the problem has been acknowledged by GOG support.
Frankd3: That's the exe file. Nobody said there was a problem with that.
Didn't you download the bin files?
We are referring to 3 of the bin files. -17 -18 & -19
when you download the offline install as shown in my attachment.
The integrity check fails and the game can not be installed.
neumi5694: Gee ... didn't think I had to post all file names, but here you go, see attachment

How did you think I installed the game if I didn't have all files? With just the .exe? No sir, not gonna happen.
No, you didn't have to post all file names.
I was just baffled by why you don't have damaged files.
I didn't think it through before I asked my question.
So far you are the only one I've heard of without damaged 1.63_hotfix files when not patched to that version.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by Frankd3
MarkoH01: Maybe the reason why neumi was able to install the game was that you have the option to disable integrity check? Maybe - I am just guessing here - the game will install this way ... and probably not working correct?
Frankd3: I don't understand why neumi is the only one without damaged files.
How do you know he's the only one? i was thinking about buying game today. Maybe I should test it out for you.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by Syphon72
Frankd3: I don't understand why neumi is the only one without damaged files.
Syphon72: How do you know he's the only one? i was thinking about buying game today. Maybe I should test it out for you.
You're right I don't know but in all the threads in the Cyberpunk forum nobody has come forward to say it works for them.

EDIT: But it has finally been acknowledged by support so if you buy and have the problem a fix should be coming soon.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by Frankd3
Syphon72: How do you know he's the only one? i was thinking about buying game today. Maybe I should test it out for you.
Frankd3: You're right I don't know but in all the threads in the Cyberpunk forum nobody has come forward to say it works for them.

EDIT: But it has finally been acknowledged by support so if you buy and have the problem a fix should be coming soon.
Edit: looks my reply didn't upload correctly. :(
Post edited July 26, 2023 by Syphon72
Frankd3: No, you didn't have to post all file names.
I was just baffled by why you don't have damaged files.
I didn't think it through before I asked my question.
So far you are the only one I've heard of without damaged 1.63_hotfix files when not patched to that version.
Wasn't it explained above? As far as I understood, he doesn't use integrity checking, so he can't fail the check.

Failing the check does not necessarily mean the files are corrupted. It might well be that the files are just fine, but the value against which they are compared to check their integrity is wrong.

Did you try without integrity checking?

Side note: I have been installing GOG games for 14 years now and I have never enabled the integrity checking, nor ever had a failed installation. Technically speaking, I don't understand why anyone would use this option, but perhaps I'm missing something.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by mrkgnao
im glad you guys were so proactive with this information and didn't hide it on tech support page... oh wait...

i didnt find out until after i committed to basic trouble shooting options like uninstalling my game (after i bought a bunch of dlc) and then finding out later I can't reinstall it.

what a joke. I spend so much time telling my friends to buy on GOG instead of other providers and then it's just spit up right in our faces
Mhegs77: im glad you guys were so proactive with this information and didn't hide it on tech support page... oh wait...

i didnt find out until after i committed to basic trouble shooting options like uninstalling my game (after i bought a bunch of dlc) and then finding out later I can't reinstall it.

what a joke. I spend so much time telling my friends to buy on GOG instead of other providers and then it's just spit up right in our faces
Look on bright side. Now you can be more honest with your friends.
Mhegs77: im glad you guys were so proactive with this information and didn't hide it on tech support page... oh wait...

i didnt find out until after i committed to basic trouble shooting options like uninstalling my game (after i bought a bunch of dlc) and then finding out later I can't reinstall it.

what a joke. I spend so much time telling my friends to buy on GOG instead of other providers and then it's just spit up right in our faces
mrkgnao: Look on bright side. Now you can be more honest with your friends.
In GOG defense there still better than lot of game providers. I can name several that drive me crazy.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by Syphon72
mrkgnao: Look on bright side. Now you can be more honest with your friends.
Syphon72: In GOG defense there still better than lot of game providers. I can name several that drive me crazy.
So can I.
Mhegs77: im glad you guys were so proactive with this information and didn't hide it on tech support page... oh wait...
Nothing was being hidden. It was front page on the news, and they had a warning up until it was removed. I think it was removed Saturday.

Also, this shit happens, not the end of the world.
Syphon72: In GOG defense there still better than lot of game providers. I can name several that drive me crazy.
mrkgnao: So can I.
I'm starting to have flashbacks about one right now.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by Syphon72
avatar We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
That outage must have been massive for the CDN provider's system to be down for this long.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by TheBigCore
TheBigCore: That outage must have been massive for the CDN provider's system to be down for this long.
The lastest update
Frankd3: There are 4 threads in the Cyberpunk Forum with people unable to get the 1.63 hotfix version to work through Galaxy or as in my case the offline installer.
Ice_Mage: The problem has already been acknowledged by a staff member.
Ah, then sorry, then my suspicions were incorrect. Hopefully fixed soon.
Mhegs77: im glad you guys were so proactive with this information and didn't hide it on tech support page... oh wait...

i didnt find out until after i committed to basic trouble shooting options like uninstalling my game (after i bought a bunch of dlc) and then finding out later I can't reinstall it.

what a joke. I spend so much time telling my friends to buy on GOG instead of other providers and then it's just spit up right in our faces
Lol, way to be a drama-queen; GOG almost never has a major outage (not one in my memory since it exists) and during the first major outage where most files were downloadable again quite fast, people act like the world was ending and GOG is suddenly bad. They communicated quite a few times with us and there is a very clear warning about this issue on their support pages, which they are for. So, they did properly inform us.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by mrtnptrs
DemonKiller49: are too much. Obviously, English and context are not your first languages at all, paisano. We were all speaking of 1.63 hotfix base game. We knew it, others knew it, but it went right over your head. Context should have told you...had you tried reading....that when I said it began when it was first was obviously 1.63 hotfix...not all the 25 editions that came prior. Get a grip on reality, dude. As for your being able to install it...we all can there, Einstein. It installs without the integrity check....but...but....but...if you had bothered to do some research, you'd see that it now crashes for folks who had done that. Before you go criticizing others about language, learn to read, cazzo. I mean it's been reported since the release of 1.63 hotfix, it's been acknowledged by GoG finally. and are the one who is correct in your application. I smell bullshit here, buddy....and it's being heavily exuded along with that annoyingly childish attitude and shitty ego of yours. The typical kind of clown who goes out of his way to disprove others because he thinks he knows it all, but ends of knowing jack shit. I salute you Internet, chode.
So far I didn't criticise you about language, that's something you brought up (And neither did I say anything about you as a person). "The game has been broken since release, no one can install" ... sorry that english is not my first language. For people like me you have to be a bit more specific (or at least write what you mean). I could not see in that post that even though you are referencing to the game itself you mean the release of the latest version (but that was one of my assumptions, that's why I downloaded it for testing) and that somewhere between the lines you gave instructions, what flags to set for the installation for it to fail. I tried what you actually wrote and it proved wrong
If I have to do research to find out what you mean, then I rather have you think that you can insult me (and really, italian curse words don't mean much to me, but kudos for trying).

And I admit I was wrong, the integrity check ended badly for me as well.

I had the installation checked by Galaxy and according to the file change dates it did change the uninstallers. All other files haven't been altered since the installation yesterday.
Yesterday and also after the last reinstall from the offline installer, it also started for me, I run around for a bit. Of course it could have crashed while I was not looking. At which point is it supposed to crash anyway?
Post edited July 26, 2023 by neumi5694