It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
Syphon72: How do you know he's the only one? i was thinking about buying game today. Maybe I should test it out for you.
Frankd3: You're right I don't know but in all the threads in the Cyberpunk forum nobody has come forward to say it works for them.

EDIT: But it has finally been acknowledged by support so if you buy and have the problem a fix should be coming soon.
I confirmed when downloading the offline installer you do get error. But the game installs and starts fine.

I'm playing it right now.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by Syphon72
Mhegs77: im glad you guys were so proactive with this information and didn't hide it on tech support page... oh wait...
Syphon72: Nothing was being hidden. It was front page on the news, and they had a warning up until it was removed. I think it was removed Saturday.

Also, this shit happens, not the end of the world.
mrkgnao: So can I.
Syphon72: I'm starting to have flashbacks about one right now.
definitely not the end of the world. But as someone who doesn't begin my gaming sessions with reviewing GOG news I just wish there was another way to communicate directly about the issues so that other consumers don't also uninstall their games trying to fix unknown issues.

I don't mind having problems from time to time, hell if i wasn't playing a GOG game this particular couple weeks it wouldnt even effect me. but i just happened to take a big L by doing what i thought was a safe troubleshooting method (re-installing) and then lost the base game that i was happily enjoying >:*|

in the future if i have any sort of standard operating hiccup on GOG i guess my only takeaway is that I should go check the news before pursuing anything of the normal troubleshooting nature.

FWIW i saw nothing in the launcher when I looked around, went to the home page, found the support option, and submitted a ticket all before I was redirected to another tech page that had the storage provider announcement on top. But I didn't easily come upon that page.
Syphon72: Nothing was being hidden. It was front page on the news, and they had a warning up until it was removed. I think it was removed Saturday.

Also, this shit happens, not the end of the world.

I'm starting to have flashbacks about one right now.
Mhegs77: definitely not the end of the world. But as someone who doesn't begin my gaming sessions with reviewing GOG news I just wish there was another way to communicate directly about the issues so that other consumers don't also uninstall their games trying to fix unknown issues.

I don't mind having problems from time to time, hell if i wasn't playing a GOG game this particular couple weeks it wouldnt even effect me. but i just happened to take a big L by doing what i thought was a safe troubleshooting method (re-installing) and then lost the base game that i was happily enjoying >:*|

in the future if i have any sort of standard operating hiccup on GOG i guess my only takeaway is that I should go check the news before pursuing anything of the normal troubleshooting nature.

FWIW i saw nothing in the launcher when I looked around, went to the home page, found the support option, and submitted a ticket all before I was redirected to another tech page that had the storage provider announcement on top. But I didn't easily come upon that page.
The warning is very visible on the support page: and the news article on the homepage when it was happening. However, a warning in Galaxy would have been nice, good feedback for them in the future, but honestly, if a download isn't working and you know fully that your internet is not the issue, I would always look first if the service has an outage. Had this in the past with EA App/Origin and Steam for example. Especially Steam has some outages now and then, so I always check Steam's status first if I have any Steam download/playing issues. Like, if Steam servers are down, Steam DRM might not work etc.
Frankd3: You're right I don't know but in all the threads in the Cyberpunk forum nobody has come forward to say it works for them.

EDIT: But it has finally been acknowledged by support so if you buy and have the problem a fix should be coming soon.
Syphon72: I confirmed when downloading the offline installer you do get error. But the game installs and starts fine.

I'm playing it right now.
So, likely what someone else suggested, broken installer integrity check...
Post edited July 26, 2023 by mrtnptrs
neumi5694: Well, he said "since release" and that makes it nonsense.

That actually would have made a lot more sense.

You mean this one?

I downloaded it today and it works. It's the one I took the screenshot from.
I didn't have Cyberpunk installed before, since I just replaced my SSD.

After that I also installed
whatever that may be. But it got downloaded at the same time, so ...

Edit: Maybe it depends on the chosen language? After all the installer is a lot larger than the installed game, containing more languages. I chose English, maybe the files in question were not even read.
DemonKiller49: are too much. Obviously, English and context are not your first languages at all, paisano. We were all speaking of 1.63 hotfix base game. We knew it, others knew it, but it went right over your head. Context should have told you...had you tried reading....that when I said it began when it was first was obviously 1.63 hotfix...not all the 25 editions that came prior. Get a grip on reality, dude. As for your being able to install it...we all can there, Einstein. It installs without the integrity check....but...but....but...if you had bothered to do some research, you'd see that it now crashes for folks who had done that. Before you go criticizing others about language, learn to read, cazzo. I mean it's been reported since the release of 1.63 hotfix, it's been acknowledged by GoG finally. and are the one who is correct in your application. I smell bullshit here, buddy....and it's being heavily exuded along with that annoyingly childish attitude and shitty ego of yours. The typical kind of clown who goes out of his way to disprove others because he thinks he knows it all, but ends of knowing jack shit. I salute you Internet, chode.
Wow, maybe tone it down a few notches.... People are just not directly fully agreeing with you after your messages were a bit confusing... nobody says with absolute certainty that you are dead wrong... just some doubts. So, these "clowns" with their "childish attitude" and "shitty ego[s]" are just trying to not blindly assume things, verify things and discuss it. If you are not open to that and gonna swear with "chode", which seems to be quite a vulgar swearing word...... Even if it turns out you're right: being right does not excuse a violation of form. I understand your frustration, but you're going a bit too far with it maybe...
Post edited July 26, 2023 by mrtnptrs
Since there has been no new update that I can see. Have they fixed the problems yet?
trusteft: Since there has been no new update that I can see. Have they fixed the problems yet?
Well not for my problem (that I already mentioned but I'm happy to spam), since a developer is using the excuse that GOG's servers are bummed out so they can't update their game here until the weekend apparently.
trusteft: Since there has been no new update that I can see. Have they fixed the problems yet?
micktiegs_8: Well not for my problem (that I already mentioned but I'm happy to spam), since a developer is using the excuse that GOG's servers are bummed out so they can't update their game here until the weekend apparently.
So what you are saying is that GOG is still having issues with making the games properly available to download?

Or that they have fixed it, but you have an issue with some specific game and only because the developer of that game is just delaying an update on purpose?

I don't know the game you are referring to, but I am more interested in the big picture thingy.
trusteft: Since there has been no new update that I can see. Have they fixed the problems yet?
"... until our provider brings back all of our storage data, which is aimed for Thursday morning (CEST), there still may be singular cases where downloads/updates are unsuccessful, slow downloads speeds are also to be expected in the nearest future. Please contact our Customer Support should you encounter such problems."
post 756 (you probably have to scroll to it yourself, since the direct link doesn't work)
trusteft: Since there has been no new update that I can see. Have they fixed the problems yet?
The update to the offline installers of JA3 was released on Sunday after the servers got back up and running (build 66204, installer version 1.1, game version 1.02.338408).

Downlaods work as well.
micktiegs_8: Well not for my problem (that I already mentioned but I'm happy to spam), since a developer is using the excuse that GOG's servers are bummed out so they can't update their game here until the weekend apparently.
trusteft: So what you are saying is that GOG is still having issues with making the games properly available to download?

Or that they have fixed it, but you have an issue with some specific game and only because the developer of that game is just delaying an update on purpose?

I don't know the game you are referring to, but I am more interested in the big picture thingy.
Well I guess both of the post below yours say both things. It's impossible to know from my perspective but to summarise:

Yes I currently have a problem with one particular game known as Lakeburg Legacies where the developer responded to me citing the server issues as THE reason the game wouldn't be updated here until the weekend. However, the servers have actually been fixed for the most part for every other download I've had issues with so I don't know if GOG has problems still.

edit: My 'big picture thingy' is fine, but I can't tell if the dev is simply lying to delay further, and I can't speak for everyone else's big picture thingy.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by micktiegs_8
trusteft: So what you are saying is that GOG is still having issues with making the games properly available to download?

Or that they have fixed it, but you have an issue with some specific game and only because the developer of that game is just delaying an update on purpose?

I don't know the game you are referring to, but I am more interested in the big picture thingy.
micktiegs_8: Well I guess both of the post below yours say both things. It's impossible to know from my perspective but to summarise:

Yes I currently have a problem with one particular game known as Lakeburg Legacies where the developer responded to me citing the server issues as THE reason the game wouldn't be updated here until the weekend. However, the servers have actually been fixed for the most part for every other download I've had issues with so I don't know if GOG has problems still.

edit: My 'big picture thingy' is fine, but I can't tell if the dev is simply lying to delay further, and I can't speak for everyone else's big picture thingy.
That sounds extremely negative and rash. Seems like GOG's usual CDN thus had an outage, then it thus also has an outage for their backend and external game developers, which makes it of course difficult/impossible to properly update their games temporarily. Explanation: GOG temporarily switched to their secondary CDN and maybe that one isn't directly connected to the backend for external developers. Additionally, GOG developers are probably very bizzy getting things back to the way it was and double-checking all files. As, from what I've heard, GOG does manual review before an update is allowed to be pushed to public. If they are indeed very bizzy, this review-time could legitimately take longer. I hardly doubt a developer is "lying" to you to just being able to delay an update. Why would they even do that? It has literally no upside? With these negative suspicions you are only putting more pressure on GOG staff and external game developers who are already working hard on getting everything fixed and their games updated while the backend likely has huge issues now..... Please have some respect and patience....
Post edited July 26, 2023 by mrtnptrs
Why are there still sales going on? Why are games being purchased? Where is the disclaimer on purchases that says you are agreeing to not be able to install your game for an indeterminate amount of time?
Mhegs77: Why are there still sales going on? Why are games being purchased? Where is the disclaimer on purchases that says you are agreeing to not be able to install your game for an indeterminate amount of time?
The store mostly works and tomorrow morning (CEST) is not an indeterminate amount of time.
Mhegs77: Why are there still sales going on? Why are games being purchased? Where is the disclaimer on purchases that says you are agreeing to not be able to install your game for an indeterminate amount of time?
What Ice_Mage said: everything is mostly working already for almost two days and whatever isn't will soon again tomorrow morning. Please stop panicking and spreading fear. It is also getting old, this is your third post essentially saying the same, everyone says the same thing to you, to which you never respond. Then you just start spreading the exact same thing a page later again. It is annoying and nears misinformation as almost all games are already fully available again. Have some damn respect and patience for these technical problems that like... never happen to GOG.... It is really the most stable game store platform I know. Steam has many more outages.

The devs are probably already frustrated themselves and your shortsighted bending of the truth isn't helping anyone. Additionally, sales are pre-determined with probably deals, contracts etc. involved; GOG can't just cancel them as many devs would lose extra income because of that and it would probably cost GOG huge amounts of money to ignore these made agreements + almost all games were very soon already available again....
Post edited July 26, 2023 by mrtnptrs
Btw. regarding the previously mentioned semi-corruption in the CyberPunk 2077 offline backup installer; GOGdb shows that the mentioned 1.63_hotfix file got re-uploaded today to GOG's download system ( and with also a re-upload of the accompanying REDmod ( Likely both of these new versions contain a fix for the previously encountered issue.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by mrtnptrs