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We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
Mhegs77: Why are there still sales going on? Why are games being purchased? Where is the disclaimer on purchases that says you are agreeing to not be able to install your game for an indeterminate amount of time?
mrtnptrs: What Ice_Mage said: everything is mostly working already for almost two days and whatever isn't will soon again tomorrow morning. Please stop panicking and spreading fear. It is also getting old, this is your third post essentially saying the same, everyone says the same thing to you, to which you never respond. Then you just start spreading the exact same thing a page later again. It is annoying and nears misinformation as almost all games are already fully available again. Have some damn respect and patience for these technical problems that like... never happen to GOG.... It is really the most stable game store platform I know. Steam has many more outages.

The devs are probably already frustrated themselves and your shortsighted bending of the truth isn't helping anyone. Additionally, sales are pre-determined with probably deals, contracts etc. involved; GOG can't just cancel them as many devs would lose extra income because of that and it would probably cost GOG huge amounts of money to ignore these made agreements + almost all games were very soon already available again....
This is the internet where hyperbole, hot takes, and sensationalism abound.
mrkgnao: They have moved to an alternative server for a few days, expecting to return to the regular CDN on Thursday morning, Poland time.

At the moment, the vast majority of files work just fine (I have 5 out of 10,225 that fail). The plan seems to be that by Thursday all will be back to pre-outage state.
Once again, many thanks for your dedicated updates, mrkgnao! :) Very appreciated!

Your info appears to align with what the kitten crew is reporting to me... xD
mrtnptrs: Btw. regarding the previously mentioned semi-corruption in the CyberPunk 2077 offline backup installer; GOGdb shows that the mentioned 1.63_hotfix file got re-uploaded today to GOG's download system ( and with also a re-upload of the accompanying REDmod ( Likely both of these new versions contain a fix for the previously encountered issue.
Thank you for posting this! Will test it out now.
mrkgnao: They have moved to an alternative server for a few days, expecting to return to the regular CDN on Thursday morning, Poland time.

At the moment, the vast majority of files work just fine (I have 5 out of 10,225 that fail). The plan seems to be that by Thursday all will be back to pre-outage state.
matterbandit: Once again, many thanks for your dedicated updates, mrkgnao! :) Very appreciated!

Your info appears to align with what the kitten crew is reporting to me... xD
My pleasure.
Can confirm the offline installer issue for CyberPunk 2077 is fixed now. I was able to download the game fine with no errors.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by Syphon72
Mhegs77: Why are there still sales going on? Why are games being purchased? Where is the disclaimer on purchases that says you are agreeing to not be able to install your game for an indeterminate amount of time?
Some of us are adults with life experience and know it’s okay to purchase something you may not get to enjoy right away. YMMV. Buy it and can’t play it right away? File that in the “that kinda sucks” binder and move onto something else, come back to it later. I have bought many games while on break at work and didn’t download them right away, so no biggie. Minor inconvenience, at worst, and GOG has great communication about any hang ups, along with possibly the best developer/customer support of any platform.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by chrlpolk
Mhegs77: Why are there still sales going on? Why are games being purchased? Where is the disclaimer on purchases that says you are agreeing to not be able to install your game for an indeterminate amount of time?
mrtnptrs: What Ice_Mage said: everything is mostly working already for almost two days and whatever isn't will soon again tomorrow morning. Please stop panicking and spreading fear. It is also getting old, this is your third post essentially saying the same, everyone says the same thing to you, to which you never respond. Then you just start spreading the exact same thing a page later again. It is annoying and nears misinformation as almost all games are already fully available again. Have some damn respect and patience for these technical problems that like... never happen to GOG.... It is really the most stable game store platform I know. Steam has many more outages.

The devs are probably already frustrated themselves and your shortsighted bending of the truth isn't helping anyone. Additionally, sales are pre-determined with probably deals, contracts etc. involved; GOG can't just cancel them as many devs would lose extra income because of that and it would probably cost GOG huge amounts of money to ignore these made agreements + almost all games were very soon already available again....
You're a weirdo Mtrptrs? I made one post explaining my concern. And I made one follow up reply. What weird delusional person are you to make up some narrative about me because I'm frustrated over several weeks lost waiting for a game with little to no communication? You're a weirdo. My concerns are valid. You must originate from somewhere with a poorly operating economy and or business practices to think that is acceptable. Good luck making up other stories about users, if i didn't care so little for your existence I would review your profile and see how often you do this type of thing.
micktiegs_8: Well I guess both of the post below yours say both things. It's impossible to know from my perspective but to summarise:

Yes I currently have a problem with one particular game known as Lakeburg Legacies where the developer responded to me citing the server issues as THE reason the game wouldn't be updated here until the weekend. However, the servers have actually been fixed for the most part for every other download I've had issues with so I don't know if GOG has problems still.

edit: My 'big picture thingy' is fine, but I can't tell if the dev is simply lying to delay further, and I can't speak for everyone else's big picture thingy.
mrtnptrs: That sounds extremely negative and rash. Seems like GOG's usual CDN thus had an outage, then it thus also has an outage for their backend and external game developers, which makes it of course difficult/impossible to properly update their games temporarily. Explanation: GOG temporarily switched to their secondary CDN and maybe that one isn't directly connected to the backend for external developers. Additionally, GOG developers are probably very bizzy getting things back to the way it was and double-checking all files. As, from what I've heard, GOG does manual review before an update is allowed to be pushed to public. If they are indeed very bizzy, this review-time could legitimately take longer. I hardly doubt a developer is "lying" to you to just being able to delay an update. Why would they even do that? It has literally no upside? With these negative suspicions you are only putting more pressure on GOG staff and external game developers who are already working hard on getting everything fixed and their games updated while the backend likely has huge issues now..... Please have some respect and patience....
i enjoy the irony of you coming in here and telling everyone they are wrong and you are right ahah. i will remember you merten peters. also I couldn't help but notice you don't have any game activitty for the past few years and you only have 15 hours total gaming on GOG? hm. interesting
Post edited July 26, 2023 by Mhegs77
high rated
Mhegs77: I couldn't help but notice you don't have any game activitty for the past few years and you only have 15 hours total gaming on GOG? hm. interesting
Looks like you just found out what offline gaming is good for.

But seriously now, stop the personal attacks. If you have something to say about the argument, then do it. One who thinks that it's necessary to attack the writer does not show superiority. He only shows that he has nothing intelligent to say and certainly has no "valid" concerns or arguments.

I know that being miserable and threating other people like dirt is every New Yorker's god given right , but he had no saying in the forum regulations.
(the first part is a quote btw, I am not assuming where you are living)
Post edited July 26, 2023 by neumi5694
mrtnptrs: With "data loss" they seem to actually just mean data lost because the CDN is just unavailable. So, just looks like bad choice of words to me, but hey, open to interpretation.
Pretty much,, i was curious after your reply and looked on Wikipedia

So, i guess a better wording would have been "data unavailability"

But :

1 - Nor you and i were there when the outage occurred and the exact result
2 - according to Wikipedia for the end-user the result is the same;

This just my understanding ofc and i'm not happy of the lack of update : 1st message of this thread & the support center. Even if they are busy updating those would have taken a few minutes.
Post edited July 27, 2023 by DyNaer
Cyberpunk has been having weird updates without changing the file name or marking the game as updated and for many of the "middle" archives the size does not change (because they are at exactly the file size limit ( 4294967294 Bytes aka ~4 GB) to be stored on a FAT32 system), so it would be easy to get a mismatched set of installers if you downloaded the set over time, there's been at least one update in the last 48 hours. Anyway I now have 55 more GB to downloads.
Kalanyr: [...]
There was an issue with some offline installer files
Post edited July 27, 2023 by foad01
Kalanyr: [...]
foad01: There was an issue with some offline installer files
Yeah, I was just explaining why it seems to be getting fixed in weird ways. Stealth updates are a terrible way to handle things *especially* for an installer set as large as Cyberpunks which some people might spend a week or so downloading.
Mhegs77: ...I couldn't help but notice you don't have any game activitty for the past few years and you only have 15 hours total gaming on GOG? hm. interesting
It means absolutely zip. The person you're picking on might have several thousand hours across different GOG games. But if Galaxy's not logged in and online to collect and send this data back to GOG's servers, then your profile remains pretty much empty.

You don't need Galaxy to play games, after all.
Kalanyr: Yeah, I was just explaining why it seems to be getting fixed in weird ways. Stealth updates are a terrible way to handle things *especially* for an installer set as large as Cyberpunks which some people might spend a week or so downloading.
I mean it's not really Stealth update. It was just fixing error with offline installer, not the game. But I guess that's still update. :)
Post edited July 27, 2023 by Syphon72