It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
Xeshra: So they are now drinking some vine and taking a weekend off? Guess "safe to assume".
If it's external provider fault GOG can't do much about it, they can just phonecall them and demand fulfilling the contract. In worst case scenario GOG will have to change storage provider and ask publishers to rebuild file library. :P It doesn't look good but lack of competence probably isn't on GOG side. What surprises me is only that they don't know themselves what files are missing. It should be a matter of simple script on their side to check situation within seconds and mark only exact games in their store as temporarily unavaiable.
Lol, scientic wannabe manipulatuons.
Data is data, interpret it as you will.

I can't understand this degree of fanboyism, it looks like an abusive relationship: "it's not gog's fault, it will get fixed, they will be better"... nope. People talking like we've sworn blind loyalty to the store.
It's just business, you don't provide your service, you get nothing but bad rep. There is no ethics, no charity, no understanding.
Only one objective statement: 4 days of failing your contractual obligations, partially or totally, and trying to fake it by removing mentions of it on the front page.
Disgraceful to say the least.

Would you buy groceries knowing you'd have 85% chance of them being rotten?
Post edited July 23, 2023 by Enebias
Enebias: Lol, scientic wannabe manipulatuons.
Data is data, interpret it as you will.

I can't understand this degree of fanboyism, it looks like an abusive relationship: "it's not gog's fault, it will get fixed, they will be better"... nope.
It's just business, you don't provide your service, you get nothing but bad rep. There is no ethics, no charity, no understanding.
Only one objective statement: 4 days of failing your contractual obligations, partially or totally, and trying to fake it by removing mentions of it on the front page.
Disgraceful to sya the least.

Would you buy groceries knowing you'd have 85% chance of them being rotten?
Between fanboyims and haters like you there is more than 10000 miles of distance and hues.
LesTyebe: Possible upside when this gets sorted out: Somebody in the upper levels of GOG/CDPR decides some positive PR is in order and decrees all current GOG account owners receive one free game of their choice from anything in the entire catalog.
g2222: More likely another $0.49 offering from Whale Rock Games. ;-)
Everything working as intended with a few "glitch issues", yet there is still some goodies for the loyal customers: The piggyback from Cyberpunk without DRM and the artbook from Trails into Reverie for every buyer!
Enebias: Lol, scientic wannabe manipulatuons.
Data is data, interpret it as you will.

I can't understand this degree of fanboyism, it looks like an abusive relationship: "it's not gog's fault, it will get fixed, they will be better"... nope.
It's just business, you don't provide your service, you get nothing but bad rep. There is no ethics, no charity, no understanding.
Only one objective statement: 4 days of failing your contractual obligations, partially or totally, and trying to fake it by removing mentions of it on the front page.
Disgraceful to sya the least.

Would you buy groceries knowing you'd have 85% chance of them being rotten?
Gudadantza: Between fanboyims and haters like you there is more than 10000 miles of distance and hues.
"NO U" isn't exactly a valid argumentation.

I am a customer tired of GOG's continued failings and - most of all by far, their continued attempts to hide them.
I spent I don't know how much on this place, and *poof* all gone. I am concerned this might be forever, either now or not far in the future, and I'm pissed GOG is not even warning customers of the situation.
Right now, if you buy... oopsie whoopsie, you either read the forum or go to the support page after purchase to know there is a problem. Scummy.
It's always like this with them.
Enebias: Lol, scientic wannabe manipulatuons.
Data is data, interpret it as you will.

I can't understand this degree of fanboyism, it looks like an abusive relationship: "it's not gog's fault, it will get fixed, they will be better"... nope. People talking like we've sworn blind loyalty to the store.
It's just business, you don't provide your service, you get nothing but bad rep. There is no ethics, no charity, no understanding.
Only one objective statement: 4 days of failing your contractual obligations, partially or totally, and trying to fake it by removing mentions of it on the front page.
Disgraceful to say the least.

Would you buy groceries knowing you'd have 85% chance of them being rotten?
If it's truck delivering goods to the store that had accident on its way it's hard to blame the store, even if final result is empty shelves when you go shopping. Sure, they could do better, provide alternatives, but after all in moments as such we can appreciate our offline backups even more than usuall. No matter how long it will take them to fix the situation it's not the end of the world yet.
Gudadantza: Between fanboyims and haters like you there is more than 10000 miles of distance and hues.
Enebias: "NO U" isn't exactly a valid argumentation.

I am a customer tired of GOG's continued failings and - most of all by far, their continued attempts to hide them.
I spent I don't know how much on this place, and *poof* all gone. I am concerned this might be forever, either now or not far in the future, and I'm pissed GOG is not even warning customers of the situation.
Right now, if you buy... oopsie whoopsie, you either read the forum or go to the support page after purchase to know there is a problem. Scummy.
It's always like this with them.
They will lose customers over this, to be sure.. but don't they have a no questions asked refund policy? Im pretty sure someone's gonna have a heart attack when they get into the office on Monday and see how often it was used.

EDIT: Yeah.. 30 days... Im pretty sure they will see a lot of purchases with "could not download" as the reason this weekend.
Post edited July 23, 2023 by Megabyte
Xeshra: So they are now drinking some vine and taking a weekend off? Guess "safe to assume".
Caban: If it's external provider fault GOG can't do much about it, they can just phonecall them and demand fulfilling the contract. In worst case scenario GOG will have to change storage provider and ask publishers to rebuild file library. :P It doesn't look good but lack of competence probably isn't on GOG side. What surprises me is only that they don't know themselves what files are missing. It should be a matter of simple script on their side to check situation within seconds and mark only exact games in their store as temporarily unavaiable.
I feel, lack of competence is on every spot (more or less) and the one with true competence are not dealing with because part of "something bigger", directly at CDPR.

Yet, i am not a friend of distrust and bad mood in general; so we simply will need patience yet and stay true to our heart, supporting every bit of DRM free, no matter the issues. I mean, no one is making it on purpose, it is simply lack of competence. Not fun but you have to act as a human. Yet, i do not believe that they are only about cash because in this case GoG is not the right place... CDPRs IPs are the cash cow here, GoG was never a cash cow at all, not a bit, just somehow surviving all the time, trying not to achieve red numbers.

The platform is here for those that care... and i hope we do, but it was never useful as a "big business".
Post edited July 23, 2023 by Xeshra
Enebias: "NO U" isn't exactly a valid argumentation.

I am a customer tired of GOG's continued failings and - most of all by far, their continued attempts to hide them.
I spent I don't know how much on this place, and *poof* all gone. I am concerned this might be forever, either now or not far in the future, and I'm pissed GOG is not even warning customers of the situation.
Right now, if you buy... oopsie whoopsie, you either read the forum or go to the support page after purchase to know there is a problem. Scummy.
It's always like this with them.
Megabyte: They will lose customers over this, to be sure.. but don't they have a no questions asked refund policy? Im pretty sure someone's gonna have a heart attack when they get into the office on Monday and see how often it was used.

EDIT: Yeah.. 30 days... Im pretty sure they will see a lot of purchases with "could not download" as the reason this weekend.
*If* people realize it in 30 days. I sure hope the problem will be long resolved by then and GOG will be back on its feet, but you can never be too sure.
Nothing in your life is ever "sure", just nothing. So back up your shinys as good as you can.
Megabyte: They will lose customers over this, to be sure.. but don't they have a no questions asked refund policy? Im pretty sure someone's gonna have a heart attack when they get into the office on Monday and see how often it was used.

EDIT: Yeah.. 30 days... Im pretty sure they will see a lot of purchases with "could not download" as the reason this weekend.
Enebias: *If* people realize it in 30 days. I sure hope the problem will be long resolved by then and GOG will be back on its feet, but you can never be too sure.
IF people bought a game and expected to play it NOW, I expect they certainly did! Its not like we are in summer sale territory right now... I expect a LOT of sales are to be played fairly immediately.
Its totally OK if stuff went wrong, it happens everywhere, Although the huge amount of time and the general lack of competence and manpower will have to be addressed at some spot. Even if it means for CDPR to take some financial hit in order to work it out... it is essential for keeping the customer base at peace. Sorting it out properly is not avoidable and it doesnt help just to keep shut and pretending "nothing is happening". This will only work short time but not for extended period. Indeed, GoG is not a cash cow... but it may be able to provide a good image to a company which got a high value.

However, i do recommend just to have patience... even more (i know we are all masters of patience already...).
Post edited July 23, 2023 by Xeshra
... Is GOG's front page down for anyone else, or is it just me?
paladin181: ... Is GOG's front page down for anyone else, or is it just me?
GOG front page works for me, just checked it out now after reading your message.
Fonzer: GOG front page works for me, just checked it out now after reading your message.
Thanks. It just is stuck in a loading loop with a gray screen for me. The forum works fine though.
Post edited July 23, 2023 by paladin181