Gersen: Well it's not like it's something new or even unusual: Gamersgate's blue coin expires after some time, the points I get from my bank for using my credit cards expires after a year, most of the credits, loyalty rewards,etc... I have on other sites also have a time limit (sometimes it's even only 3 months and not a year), etc... if anything the big difference is that with GoG it's at least possible to "reset" the timer something you cannot do with most of the others.
As far as I can tell, none of those were an explicit part of the transaction.
When I buy a £30 game on GOG, I am paying for the game
and $X in store credit. It even says so on the receipt!
Thanks for your order xyem.
Please review the details of the transaction. If you feel that there has been a mistake or you have any questions regarding your purchase, do not hesitate to contact our support team.
Blackguards Special Edition
DLC: Blackguards: Untold Legends
Order total: $ 14.88
This order gives you $ 2.90 back in Store Credit for any future purchase.
And I may very well have purchased it on GOG
only because of the store credit, which means GOG is changing the agreement
after the fact. Especially considering I paid for that store credit before the policy change. And it says "any future purchase". Any.
Even if it isn't illegal for GOG to do this, it's a dick move. Unfortunately, not even remotely surprising.
First they stopped you from redeeming DLC when you don't already own the base game on GOG (it's okay, you can just give GOG money to use something you've already... paid.. for). And most people thought I was making a big deal out of something that doesn't affect anyone.
Then they limited the number of a game you can gift per day because "evil resellers!". Don't worry though, that doesn't affect anyone either.
I complained about these not because they are going to affect so many people, but because that are symptoms of a change in mindset which is going to go downhill really fast. GOG are being selective in what they will set to what people.. that means they don't trust their customers anymore.
And remember, a customer is
anyone who buys stuff, even if it is all 1000 sale keys. Beware the "No True Scotsman" fallacy if you are going to claim "well, they aren't
real customers". If they paid exactly the same money as anyone else, yeah they are.
And now we are here. Pay up your protection money or use your credit when GOG say so, even if they didn't put any limits on when you could use it when they first sold it to you.