CthuluIsSpy: Yeah, but what if you want to play the original and don't already have it?
One should always have that option.
Look, I don't want to sound condescending...but at some point, you have to either accept, that you have to buy "early"
(enough), or you have to accept, that the article you wanted to buy, won't be available anymore.
Just recently we had a discussion in this forum, where we talked about the "shelf life" of games before Steam (and download games in general) became a thing.
Back then, you either bought them, while they sat on the stores' shelves - or you couldn't buy them anymore
(not first hand, that is).
This situation is no different from that old situation.
You can't simply expect that all the things that you ever may want to buy, will be available forever.
And if you do - better expect to get disappointed.
Sometimes games here get completely taken off the store. What do you do in those cases?
Cry about the injustice in the world that will take away this wonderful game tomorrow, before you can buy it?
Or do you simply buy it today, as long as it is still available (and then hopefully secure its installer files)?
BreOl72: Nobody kept you from buying your game and securing the old installers.
AB2012: It's worth remembering though that
"you should have backed up your installers x years ago before the remaster" isn't much help to someone who only discovered and purchased the game recently.
But surely those people bought the game in the knowledge of it being the new version?
I mean, no one buys a game blind, right?
Or - if somebody does indeed buy their games blind - well,...
Apart from that, I refer you to my previous post.