xSinghx: Writing diatribes on how 'everyone is unfair' to corporate dumpster fire games that ship in a broken state is not on topic. So yes you are hi-jacking the thread with your bloaviating nonsense.
Yes obsessively defending corporations no matter the level of their malfescence is not disturbing at all - nor is punching down at the customers. Please have a happy life making your own thread and talking to yourself - the rest of us aren't interested.
JakobFel: I was not the one that chose to derail the topic by arguing about how "bad" a game is.
No you derailed the thread by arguing about why everyone sucks except you:
JakobFel: "Fallout 76 and Cyberpunk 2077. Both games were absolutely unfairly crapped on because they had rough launches and so many still refuse to give either of them a fair shot. Others just hated on it because they're miserable people who can't be satisfied with anything."
And it's what you're continuing to do:
JakobFel: Gamers are whiny crybabies these days. Not one person has been able to give me a LEGITIMATE reason for why they think the vitriol is deserved.
Can you stfu now and find your own thread to be an asshole in?