DarzaR: Because it lacks required prerequisites, and bear signs of external agression, eh. Cant believe you actually participating here, but somehow missed that stuff.
http://awesci.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Dunning-Kruger.jpg apehater: is your post suppose to insult me? if yes then why i prefer to discuss without such things. if you want a discussion with insults, offense and aggression, then i wont continuing to discuss with you on this topic
Dischord: I mean interests outside of the people there.
apehater: yes ok, but from what i know the ukraine army uses air bomber and artellery against own people inside the country, that is civil war for me. of course the situation is grown up to this by help from outside.
and to clearify, with help from outside i mean the help that the provisoric government in kiew recieves, i'm on the site of russia.
I understand, I'm on the side of the Ukraine, a sovereign nation; just as I'd be on your side, if you were ever invaded.
Spin and disinformation always exists in these matters, that is why I just try to put myself as a member of the nation that it is happening to.
I would just want to be left alone, as the Ukraine was for years. They did not attack anyone, yet they are getting the crap.
They are the only nation that had nukes that gave them up, on their own, so I'm inclined to believe that they aren't expansionist in nature.
This crap should just cease.