Elenarie: Corruption is so high across the board in Eastern Europe, that only fools would associate themselves with political or national organisations / morals / ethics / beliefs / whatever. I would write myself Martian tomorrow if it means that things would get better.
I guess not everybody would agree. We've enough nationalistic zealots as it is.
I understand, and know nothing of corruption in any specific place, only that it seems endemic anywhere humans happen to be.
Since we are all human, I guess I can only wish us all the best, and believe that we can all be ok, if that is what we choose.
Every time that a crisis occurs, man can either rise up together and meet it, or exploit it for their own gains, and it seems to me that most often we choose the latter.
In the unfortunate events that caused the Malaysian airliner to crash, it seems that all civilized nations could have come together, sent in an international team to secure the area, and leave the blame to be determined later, after all members on board were repatriated. International means east, west, north, south, and even Martian if they had nationals aboard.
Edit to add: If the UN is worth its cost, this might be something they might be able to insure, as I would think that every member nation could agree on this.