Crosmando: ...I personally refuse to support or condemn any of them, there isn't a country on Earth I would support. I'm just playing devil's advocate because I find Westerners who condemn Russia are hypocrites, weasels and jingoists.
One can play devil's advocate to the devil's advocate then. Levelling everything out you basically make the same mistakes you accuse others of (hyprocrites, ...) yourself, only in the other direction.
Things are always different. Nobody is innocent but still not everyone is equally guilty. Not everyone is doing what he accuses others of. There are poor countries that have a better democracy than richer countries. Maybe they just try harder or they are lucky. There are more peaceful countries than others, even if considered over a longer period of time.
And: Two wrongs doesn't make one right. If the US is doing something bad and Russia too it doesn't mean it's both okay. It just means it's both not okay. And you would still have to show that it's bad on an equal scale to compare it really.
Nobody can stay neutral. Not doing anything is also doing something. Not having an opion is also having an opinion (don't care opinion). Everyone implicitly always gives his consent or dissent to everything that happens by what he does or doesn't. So we are always part of everything and always responsible for everything of course only partly.
You said one has to think in degress, but with also saying that there isn't a country on Earth you would support you actually don't think in degrees.
That's my version of devil's advocate. I don't want to upset anyone. If it happens, please consider my earnest apologies - it is not intended.