0Grapher: If his wife was deeply in love with him I don't blame her. However, she took her chances and lied to him, so I don't pity her either.
Yup. Basically, that.
Also, fought a long time with a complete answer on smartphone, which apparently didn't get posted, so, in very very much shorter :
monkeydelarge: But love doesn't have anything do with calculation and social pressure when it comes to loving a human being.
Yes it does. The feeling itself is subject to convenience and calculation at various degrees of self-awareness.
Quick exemples :
- Is the love possible/impossible.
- Is the love mutual/unilateral.
- Is it a good time or a bad time in life for that.
- Are you/them already in a relationship or not.
- Do your friends/family support or criticize/discourage this love.
- Does the person correspond to the cultural preferences that you have internalized so far.
- Etc
Pride, social norms, current availability, trends, acquired tastes, many factors that play a role (of variable strength) in what make or doesn't make people attractive to each others, or candidates for serious sentimental involvement (that is, indulged love or not). Although modern love discourses and fictions mercifully downplay these elements.
monkeydelarge: Loving another human being also doesn't have anything to do with wanting a certain lifestyle too.
You bring it down to finances again, but I meant it in a more abstract way : sharing someone's mental/behavioural universe, in short.