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monkeydelarge: A very fancy way of describing a scam, basically. I'm not endorsing any ideas. I'm just presenting you with facts when it comes to people's pasts. And no, his reaction doesn't justify the scam. Because in the Western world, people can CHOOSE who they marry or CHOOSE not to marry.
Telika: You have no fact about what bound them, about how much in love they were despite of what. The only facts you have is that she hid her past because it would have been too important for the moron, and that indeed this past was too important for the moron.

The goal is unknown to you, but you decide it was purely material. You decide her motives were the bad ones and his were the good ones. You have no objective reason to do that.
The facts I have = a woman deceived a rich guy into marriage. I have no more facts. But based on those facts, I can safely say she is a scam artist(and a gold digger). Are you seriously saying, she could of lied about being a virgin because of love? Are you saying, maybe she simply wanted to be with him because of who he is and not because of his money? LOL
Post edited October 18, 2015 by monkeydelarge
low rated
Telika: You have no fact about what bound them, about how much in love they were despite of what. The only facts you have is that she hid her past because it would have been too important for the moron, and that indeed this past was too important for the moron.

The goal is unknown to you, but you decide it was purely material. You decide her motives were the bad ones and his were the good ones. You have no objective reason to do that.
monkeydelarge: The facts I have = a woman deceived a rich guy into marriage. I have no more facts. But based on those facts, I can safely say she is a scam artist. Are you seriously saying, she could of lied about being a virgin because of love? Are you saying, maybe she simply wanted to be with him because of who he is and not because of his money? LOL
I know nothing about that (not to mention that "love" itself, as a sincere feeling, is not necessarily pure of calculation or social pressure). And you know nothing about that. You just express the crosmando-level interpretation you go for, and list the keywords that insta-called it. In reality, many other interpretations are possible (such as loving him precisely because he represented the polar opposite of a lifestyle and behaviour she wants now to radically distancize herself from, for instance).

So no, you "can safely say" nothing. I'm sorry that you feel you can.
Post edited October 18, 2015 by Telika
monkeydelarge: So what she did didn't affect him directly?
It's really derailing this thread, but good trolling is hard to ignore. :) As Telika said, yes, it didn't affect him directly. She lied on this point, and that's certainly negative, but her previous sexual experience shouldn't negatively affect her marriage. People marry other people with previous sexual experience every day, and that fact by itself isn't a problem. It's the guy's perception of the issue that's a problem. If the guy divorced her purely because of that point, then certainly he is the one who fucked up his life.

Also, consider that he likely didn't marry her for no reason. She probably had some things going for her or he wouldn't have married her, be that looks, intelligence or whatever. So he won a desirable prize, and then threw it away because she didn't fit a particular concept that doesn't change how good for him she is.
Crosmando: There's no such thing as a "virgin" female over the age of 18 (or even 16 in some places). As long as a female isn't physically hideous you can assume she has had many sexual partners by the time she's 18. If a female ever says she's a virign, she is almost definitely lying.
Most inhabitants of planet earth are female. We are all female. Steel logic.

Crosmando: It's almost completely different for a young guy, as even the ugliest females still demand that a prospective boyfriend be good looking, have a well paying job and a large social circle, before they'll even consider him.

There's not much point even bothering with your average Western women, as they're all whores. Even worse than that, they're whores who pretend to be pure princesses.
Get laid already. But not to female you described. Human Papillome Virus is in blood of 50% population of the planet. Primary because of open sexual contacts.
No protection. ~180 types. Some are scientifically proven to be reason for cancer in 95% cases.
monkeydelarge: The facts I have = a woman deceived a rich guy into marriage. I have no more facts. But based on those facts, I can safely say she is a scam artist. Are you seriously saying, she could of lied about being a virgin because of love? Are you saying, maybe she simply wanted to be with him because of who he is and not because of his money? LOL
Telika: I know nothing about that (not to mention that "love" itself, as a sincere feeling, is not necessarily pure of calculation or social pressure). And you know nothing about that. You just express the crosmando-level interpretation you go for, and list the keywords that insta-called it. In reality, many other interpretations are possible (such as loving him precisely because he represented the polar opposite of a lifestyle and behaviour she wants now to radically distancize herself from, for instance).

So no, you "can safely say" nothing. I'm sorry that you feel you can.
Yeah, love can involve calculation and social pressure. But love doesn't have anything do with calculation and social pressure when it comes to loving a human being. If someone deceives another person because of calculation and social pressure, that is scamming someone. Not love for that person. Loving another human being also doesn't have anything to do with wanting a certain lifestyle too. If someone robs a bank to have enough money to live a certain lifestyle, the robber can't say he did what he did because he loves the bank. So I'm sure she did what she did because of love for herself and love for money but definitely not because of love for him.
Post edited October 18, 2015 by monkeydelarge
ET3D: it didn't affect him directly. She (...) her previous sexual experience shouldn't negatively affect her marriage. (...) It's the guy's perception of the issue that's a problem.
I have to disagree with you there. Imagine you are the only person who knows about STIs (let's say in a world without condoms) and you tell someone whom you have to trust that you believe that it's completely intolerable to sleep with a person who has had sex with another person.
Maybe this analogy helps you understand that this one principle was to him as important as his whole life.

Of course he is an utter lunatic but he didn't hide it. He had to trust his wife and she should have known how he would react.
How would you react after realizing that even though you forced yourself to stay a virgin your dishonest wife has contracted you with an STI. You know that your wife knew this was your greatest fear but she didn't believe in it herself and thought your wish was therefore not important.

If his wife was deeply in love with him I don't blame her. However, she took her chances and lied to him, so I don't pity her either.

monkeydelarge: Are you saying, maybe she simply wanted to be with him because of who he is and not because of his money? LOL
That is entirely possible, how would you know that this isn't the case? In my opinion, you are making a fool out of yourself because you don't see any other possibility than her being after his money, even though there is no evidence at all that would affirm your theory.
Post edited October 18, 2015 by 0Grapher
stryx: I hope she called the cops and got a lot of money out of the divorce.
monkeydelarge: So it's not enough, she deceived him, fucked up his life plan, wasted years of his life and resources. You also want the guy to go to prison and lose a lot of money(after already losing lots of money). That's nice. No empathy whatsoever for the guy but only empathy for the scam artist woman. White Knight, alert.
Assault is a criminal offense and not justified by being lied to. So yes, that guy deserves to be punished for it.
0Grapher: If his wife was deeply in love with him I don't blame her. However, she took her chances and lied to him, so I don't pity her either.
Yup. Basically, that.

Also, fought a long time with a complete answer on smartphone, which apparently didn't get posted, so, in very very much shorter :

monkeydelarge: But love doesn't have anything do with calculation and social pressure when it comes to loving a human being.
Yes it does. The feeling itself is subject to convenience and calculation at various degrees of self-awareness.

Quick exemples :

- Is the love possible/impossible.
- Is the love mutual/unilateral.
- Is it a good time or a bad time in life for that.
- Are you/them already in a relationship or not.
- Do your friends/family support or criticize/discourage this love.
- Does the person correspond to the cultural preferences that you have internalized so far.
- Etc

Pride, social norms, current availability, trends, acquired tastes, many factors that play a role (of variable strength) in what make or doesn't make people attractive to each others, or candidates for serious sentimental involvement (that is, indulged love or not). Although modern love discourses and fictions mercifully downplay these elements.

monkeydelarge: Loving another human being also doesn't have anything to do with wanting a certain lifestyle too.
You bring it down to finances again, but I meant it in a more abstract way : sharing someone's mental/behavioural universe, in short.
Post edited October 18, 2015 by Telika
low rated
ET3D: it didn't affect him directly. She (...) her previous sexual experience shouldn't negatively affect her marriage. (...) It's the guy's perception of the issue that's a problem.
0Grapher: I have to disagree with you there. Imagine you are the only person who knows about STIs (let's say in a world without condoms)
I just love how creeps have to invent clearly ricockulous scenarios to justify their creepy fetishes. Omg what if Jews really ate Christian babbies?
0Grapher: Of course he is an utter lunatic
I think that sums it up well.

I understand why this might be grounds for divorce for him, and in certain cultures it might warrant killing the woman, but if he lives in a country where assault is punishable, he deserves to be punished. If he lives in a country where what he did is fine, then he did what was expected, and though I'd certainly prefer that culture to not continue, I won't argue that he needs to be punished.
high rated
tort1234: He does say that he has a relationship of convenience
Come the fuck on. This is not the moment to put a spotlight on Bain's private life.

He's a fixture in the industry, and he's built all of it himself. He's a personality in game culture that will leave a big hole when he's gone, like him or not.

Here's hoping he beats the odds, somehow.
Post edited October 18, 2015 by Vainamoinen
high rated
One person's nonsense has resulted in this devolving into another "classy thread" I see.

TB has posted an update in which he reiterates that he will try everything he can to beat this thing despite the odds and is taking an optimistic approach as before. Here is the full quote:

"Since the diagnosis we've learned about a lot of promising treatments for this specific set of circumstances. Hearing "yeah the average life expectancy is 2-3 years" from your doctor is like a bombshell going off in your mind. There's a reason why people ask you to sit down before giving you bad news, it's burned into my brain, all the strength disappearing from my limbs, the feeling of having your lifes plans, hopes and dreams shatter in an instant all at once. But you get over it and you prepare for another battle, start to investigate all the options you have, put your faith in science and do everything you can both in terms of personal willpower and your bodies fitness to help those professionals give you the best treatment possible. 10 years ago this would be a swift death sentence, but that's not true anymore and there are plenty of things that can be tried to beat it back and keep beating it back. It'll get me eventually, but isn't that true for everyone? Something's gonna get you eventually. If I have anything to say about it it'll be something else at a grand old age. When I eventually do go out, it'll be like this -"
high rated
stg83: One person's nonsense has resulted in this devolving into another "classy thread" I see.

TB has posted an update in which he reiterates that he will try everything he can to beat this thing despite the odds and is taking an optimistic approach as before. Here is the full quote:

"Since the diagnosis we've learned about a lot of promising treatments for this specific set of circumstances. Hearing "yeah the average life expectancy is 2-3 years" from your doctor is like a bombshell going off in your mind. There's a reason why people ask you to sit down before giving you bad news, it's burned into my brain, all the strength disappearing from my limbs, the feeling of having your lifes plans, hopes and dreams shatter in an instant all at once. But you get over it and you prepare for another battle, start to investigate all the options you have, put your faith in science and do everything you can both in terms of personal willpower and your bodies fitness to help those professionals give you the best treatment possible. 10 years ago this would be a swift death sentence, but that's not true anymore and there are plenty of things that can be tried to beat it back and keep beating it back. It'll get me eventually, but isn't that true for everyone? Something's gonna get you eventually. If I have anything to say about it it'll be something else at a grand old age. When I eventually do go out, it'll be like this -"
If I can beat it, he can beat it. I haven't a doubt in my mind. Things like this have a lot more to do with character than a lot of people give it credit for, and I have no character, so TB is going to be just fine.
high rated
tinyE: If I can beat it, he can beat it. I haven't a doubt in my mind. Things like this have a lot more to do with character than a lot of people give it credit for, and I have no character, so TB is going to be just fine.
Maybe you didn't technically beat it, maybe you have so little character that it just got bored and left.
Post edited October 18, 2015 by Maighstir
high rated
tinyE: If I can beat it, he can beat it. I haven't a doubt in my mind. Things like this have a lot more to do with character than a lot of people give it credit for, and I have no character, so TB is going to be just fine.
Maighstir: Maybe you didn't technically beat it, maybe you have so little character that it just got bored and left.


Another thought is that the cancer felt sorry for me. It found something more pathetic and clingy than itself and didn't have the heart to go through with it's plan. :D