kharille: Yeah, bought battlebrothers on steam. Didn't get into it in a real way, little time even without a job since feb. But I got this urge to buy the game on with all the dlc, though I got it all in steam.
Friend gifted me civ 5 on steam, so I bought all the dlc. I haven't finished a game of civ 4 colonization yet, or that alpha centauri remake but I got those games and all dlc...
Finding it hard just to watch a movie, 21st century seems to be a life of indexing things you want to do rather than doing stuff....
with civ it is almost mandatory to get all of their dlc though without the game, V for example or Beyond Earth, dlc the games are entertaining but expand into so much more with.... Most of the times their DLC releases go accompanied with many gamereviews stating just that! I belief in Beyond Earth's case the game finally became enjoyable for many players and with V i spend most of my hours with all the dlc enabled.
stellaris is another one of those games, last week i finally came around and added that war and peace dlc and now for the first time i'm actually enjoying myself again ( outside the first explorer hours i had with the game ) huge money and timesinks not to mention the fact that you will like a high tier multicore cpu enough ram and in total war's case a decent gpu
The total war games i own are all complete outside 3k because i still need to get into that one, even withheld from buying the blood and gore dlc since it came out so ugly in warhammer
oh and i did not buy the pirate faction dlc for Rome II.... it could be considered expensive but with most of their games i easily transgress the 500h playing time line so all in all 200 dollars spent on 1000 hours of playing time is not really expensive all in all