Posted December 06, 2013

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia

Buy Sacrifice!!!
Registered: Jun 2012
From Germany
Posted December 06, 2013

I´d support this one, if I get baker forum access...
When is the estimated ending of the poll?
Plannend to put 130$-Edition as main Christmas Gift...

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted December 06, 2013
7267 TB
7052 RTWP
782 Indifferent (fence sitters :P )
Its official
7052 RTWP
782 Indifferent (fence sitters :P )
Its official
Post edited December 06, 2013 by nijuu

Another bookah
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted December 06, 2013
I'm fine either way, so long as encounters are designed for the system that gets implemented. From the update, they do seem to understand why some TB combat can be tedious, so I'm optimistic.
Worst outcome would have been to try to implement the 2 systems. Thankfully they're reasonable people.
Worst outcome would have been to try to implement the 2 systems. Thankfully they're reasonable people.

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted December 06, 2013
I voted for RTwP, so even though I can't say I'm thrilled with the results, the update certainly allayed any concerns I have. Not even considering implementing both systems is absolutely the best way to go and judging from what they're saying about encounter design as well as how they addressed concerns about TB combat, I'm feeling pretty good about it overall.

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted December 06, 2013
Its good they want the combat at least to be enjoyable (and tactical) even though most will play it for the story/dialogue :)

Registered: Dec 2009
From Brazil
Posted December 06, 2013
Guess they opened a can of worms with that, lots of people saying they want refund now...
(I voted and prefer RTwP but can play TB without problems too...)
(I voted and prefer RTwP but can play TB without problems too...)

Village Resident
Registered: Sep 2008
From Spain

Registered: Dec 2009
From Brazil
Posted December 07, 2013
Well, inXile never promised RTwP and they're were clear from the begining about deciding the combat system yet, the defenders of both systems knew that (and I'm saying this as a RTwP voter), than backers can't complain they're were lied. Is a different beast if they announced a system and the begining and changed later, but wasn't the case

chrono commando
Registered: Jan 2012
From Australia

Wandering fruit
Registered: Apr 2012
From Spain
Posted December 07, 2013
At times like this, I'd rather not know anything until the game comes out. It's geting stupid.

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted December 07, 2013
You know, the funny thing about this is, Kickstarters are for backers to follow a devs dream and help them achieve that. And that means generally following devs ideas and implementation. At least backers were given a chance to vote. And now people act like kids having their toys taken away from them when things dont go their way. Yeeesh...

long live Keane
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted December 07, 2013
I didn't back, so I'm not worried about what inxile do. It may turn out to be really good game, especially if there is some heavy automation available in the TB combat mechanics.
I think backers should probably have been more savvy and read between the lines, but I also think inxile brought the backlash on themselves. They played up the PS:T history a lot, they made their sales pitch exploiting nostalgia and promising something like a PS:T game in terms of the overall feel and this angle has been hyped up far too much. It never was going to be since the Planescape setting and AD&D rules aren't available. Now that it is clear that it's not going to have similar mechanics to PS:T either, it doesn't resemble PS:T much at all, even it it ends up being an excellent story and atmosphere.
It's quite cynical the way inxile approached their Kickstarter, it's pretty clear now that this was never going to be anything other than turn based. People are emotionally invested, but don't get lost in the fantasy of following dreams, this is a business venture. If a publisher was funding this inxile would be in a lot of trouble if they tried to go turn based.
Crowdfunding is amazing for the way it can allow developers more creative freedom and not be shackled by publishers and the need to sell bland, homogenised, games that can be sold in supermarkets. Crowdfunding should not be viewed as a free for all where anything goes and anything can happen, there are risks for backers but the businesses and individuals seeking money and moral and legal obligations to deliver what they promise. They need to be clear and straightforward about what they're asking for and what they will be providing in return for backing.
Inxile have put themselves in this situation and can only blame themselves for not being more honest about their intentions. It's not surprising in the slightest that backers are angry. I don't think it was even necessary for this situation to happen, I believe that inxile were deliberately coy about the mechanics to try and ensure their funding was successful but they would've succeeded easily if they'd the confidence to just say form the start that it would be TB.
I think backers should probably have been more savvy and read between the lines, but I also think inxile brought the backlash on themselves. They played up the PS:T history a lot, they made their sales pitch exploiting nostalgia and promising something like a PS:T game in terms of the overall feel and this angle has been hyped up far too much. It never was going to be since the Planescape setting and AD&D rules aren't available. Now that it is clear that it's not going to have similar mechanics to PS:T either, it doesn't resemble PS:T much at all, even it it ends up being an excellent story and atmosphere.
It's quite cynical the way inxile approached their Kickstarter, it's pretty clear now that this was never going to be anything other than turn based. People are emotionally invested, but don't get lost in the fantasy of following dreams, this is a business venture. If a publisher was funding this inxile would be in a lot of trouble if they tried to go turn based.
Crowdfunding is amazing for the way it can allow developers more creative freedom and not be shackled by publishers and the need to sell bland, homogenised, games that can be sold in supermarkets. Crowdfunding should not be viewed as a free for all where anything goes and anything can happen, there are risks for backers but the businesses and individuals seeking money and moral and legal obligations to deliver what they promise. They need to be clear and straightforward about what they're asking for and what they will be providing in return for backing.
Inxile have put themselves in this situation and can only blame themselves for not being more honest about their intentions. It's not surprising in the slightest that backers are angry. I don't think it was even necessary for this situation to happen, I believe that inxile were deliberately coy about the mechanics to try and ensure their funding was successful but they would've succeeded easily if they'd the confidence to just say form the start that it would be TB.

Buy Sacrifice!!!
Registered: Jun 2012
From Germany
Posted December 07, 2013
"If one were to take Planescape: Torment and, changing nothing else, switch to TB combat, the result would be miserable for many. You'd be stopped midstride in every Hive back alley to perform the same boring actions on meaningless thugs and zombies.
This isn’t what we’re going to do.
Most important sentence!
Quite happy with that one...
This isn’t what we’re going to do.
Most important sentence!
Quite happy with that one...

Te Deum laudamus
Registered: May 2009
From Poland
Posted December 07, 2013