Kaldurenik: Also the person above me... What in the world are you talking about? What you are saying make no sense what so ever?
Touch/motion/controllers will never be as accurate or precise or as fast as a M/KB.
ET3D: Play Plants vs. Zombies with a mouse and then with touch and then tell me again touch isn't faster.
Controllers are
exactly as accurate as a mouse and keyboard. They're just slower at it. Touch can also be easily made more accurate at the expense of speed, for example by using it like a touchpad. Although 90%-95% is a ridiculous exaggeration.
Regardless, are you really trying to argue that the combination of accuracy and speed is essential to your enjoyment of a text heavy RPG? One that deliberately de-emphesises combat? Or that replacing keyboard and mouse with another control scheme will fundamentally change the nature of the game? Sure, I'd rather not trade mouse + keyboard control for FPS for another control scheme, but outside of 3D twitch games?
Wait wait wait... You do know that they have done tests at this right? They had the best console players (with auto aim) fight against pc users. It was so brutal that they gave up on the entire idea of pc vs console games.
And yes trust me i can play plants vs zombies faster then you ever could with touch. Simply because i have to move less for the same move as you do with your finger if my sensitivity is good enough (and im used to said speed ofc).
And yes it would change the fundamental nature of the game. When you design something you ALWAYS have to design it with the weakest hardware or controller setup in mind. You cant make a mmo that require 50 buttons for a controller. You cant make it require high speed / accuracy.
I will give you a example. Black and white 1. I played this multiplayer "evil vs evil god" we threw so many fire balls that it was hard to keep up when you had a mouse! Good luck catching fireballs with a clunky control scheme. Yes i know "black and white was not made with touch / motion/ controller" in mind. But that is my point. You need to have the weaker systems and controllers in mind when you make a game.
Is it essential no? But they would in most cases still have to design it around the controller. Its annoying to navigate with a controller in a menu. So they would have to make it "stick". They would have to make lots of other things also.
Touch will most likely work but its still "slow" when you compare it to a mouse. Sure a touch could work aslong as you dont need a keyboard. If you need a keyboard it suddenly get annoying to use a touch based one.
In the end KB/M is mostly in the majority of situations the superior control scheme.