micktiegs_8: stubborn as a mule. We'll leave it there big guy.
mystikmind2000: No problem... then in 5/10 years time when they discover more, remember this thread :)
You anti science, anti fact people and your anti truth.
Enjoy living in your fantasy world.
htown1980: So you've never actually seen a snake? Damn, when I was a kid I reckon I saw one every couple of months at least. We definitely had half a dozen in our back yard over the years.
I am assuming you haven't spent much time in northern Australia either?
Crosmando: I've seen a snake before, but at a nature reserve/zoo type place where they had a whole bunch of snakes in an enclosure. I thought the blue-tongue was a snake because I could only see it's head (not the legs). I'm a Melbournian, but I've been to NSW, SA and Tas, but never Queensland or NT I'm afraid.
I guess its one of those things where you assume everyone's experiences are pretty similar. Growing up in suburban Perth near a creek meant that I saw all kinds of reptiles pretty frequently.
p.s. You should check out the north, there's some pretty nice spots :)