hedwards: Lastly, the term straight exists because we needed a word to deal with that situation. We can't label straight people as non-gay, bisexual and other groups are non-gay as well. And straight men have been having sex for various reasons for millenia. I'm not sure that straight or heterosexual are particularly good terms, but they exist because they serve a necessary function and are minimally judgmental.
Sachys: Uh, "straight" exists as a term for heterosexuals due to the term "bent" used for homosexuality - which is derived in its use from the term "deviant" as used by various denominations of... well probably more than just Christianity... since... uh... Judas kissing Jesus!?
So yeah. Just straightening out the bent language definitions on this minor deviation!
* * * * *
As to the direct topic (as listed in the title), thats some awful shit - though I do agree that the media is very much a circus these days - and as a result I do wonder exactly how it will be reported more widely as it filters through (ie with known facts and evidence, or pure conjecture and bullshit - my guess is the latter).
Don't get me wrong, I do think that straight is probably not the best terminology, the point I was making is that there had to be a term because there really wasn't one previously and there are legitimate things that need to be discussed at times where there wasn't a word.
But at this point, the word has really lost all meaning in that regard, do people really even bother to think about the origin of that or gay? There's a usage difference there, straight isn't typically used as an insult and gay is a pretty weak one to choose compared with the various other options.
As a term cis fails on multiple levels. It's an obscure word that a lot of people are just not going to get to begin with. Then it's a word that replaces other words that people are likely to actually know, people are going to know what non-trans means in a given situation, but they're not going to understand what cis means without a lot of help.
And lastly, all it does is to serve as a strawman and as a way of being condescending. There's enough of these bullshit terms out there to begin with, adding one that doesn't actually help is a bit much.
If people wish to refer to themselves as cis-gendered, that's really their prerogative, but it's a bullshit term and deserves to be forgotten as soon as possible.
Don't get me wrong, I do think that as a society we need to do a better job of getting over this. But, using it as an excuse to further denigrate men's gender choices is hypocritical at best.