Posted December 31, 2022

The story of this show feels a little contrived, but it's hard to find a story that's not these days. I don't hate it, that's for sure, but maybe because I'm not as big a fan of the Witcher as I am tWoT.
General let-downs to me are usually the lack of time to introduce characters in series. Wheel of time specifics that really surprised were, for one, the choice to give Perrin a wife and to uhm create a more sense of maturity for all the characters at the beginning of their Journey. The other big surprise was,(ofc) the choice for Matt's endeavour presented in the last episodes.
Other smaller stuff, no chameleon cloaks for the warders, no room for the characters' weapon adaptations (general let-downs).
All in all, those were all surprises I could handle fairly well. I have not yet reached a point where i can say that the essence (well of course the essence of the books was this psychology guy who knew how to write a story) is removed.
From a wheel of time point of view you might even suggest that this is actually the same story during a different turn of the wheel.
To conclude, i'm really looking forward to seeing into what this show will evolve (and if it will reach the full 8 seasons it is planned to reach)