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snowkatt: EA is seen these days as the evil empire
the place that peddles shit
has an iron grip on sports games which allows them to release the same shit each year which people buy anyway
where studios companies and franchises go to die ( see origin westwood ultima )
where you are dlc'd to death
and where they shoe horn in multiplayer and questionable tactics in their games ( simcity 5 )
sadly they seem to get away with it, they're still financially successful.
anothername: Oh yeah, and then there where this "you have 3 activations for your game" phase (see downfall of Spore). And I heard that games that Origin drops are also dropped from the account. I do not use it so I don't know but I'm inclined to belive that this is fearmongering someone spread.
i havent lost any games on origin yet
but even if i do i dont care much they were all freebies
codefenix: I would place the time of the downswing to when this logo was swapped out for this logo, which was quite some time ago.
I checked several different sources. The logo-change-year should be 1999.
(Wikipedia says it is year 2000, but many other sources says 1999.)
snowkatt: EA is seen these days as the evil empire
the place that peddles shit
has an iron grip on sports games which allows them to release the same shit each year which people buy anyway
where studios companies and franchises go to die ( see origin westwood ultima )
where you are dlc'd to death
and where they shoe horn in multiplayer and questionable tactics in their games ( simcity 5 )
apehater: sadly they seem to get away with it, they're still financially successful.
so are acti blizz and the only two video game companies i actively go out of my way to avoid
wb interactive and gearbox
codefenix: I would place the time of the downswing to when this logo was swapped out for this logo, which was quite some time ago.
kbnrylaec: I checked several different sources. The logo-change-year should be 1999.
(Wikipedia says it is year 2000, but many other sources says 1999.)
thats uhh still 17 years ago
Post edited October 14, 2016 by snowkatt
ShadowAngel.207: ....And people think (Bethesda's) "games" are actually even good because "Modders fix all the problems, so it's awesome".

The majority of gamers are simply retarded, they like to get ripped-off and milked off all their money. They like to get fucked over with buggy games and overpriced DLC. Hence why gaming is in this abysmal state it currently is.
I think this is an important part of the issue that a lot of people ignore when there's a discussion about the state of the video game industry. It's that a lot of the fault also lies with us, the consumers. Companies like EA, ActivisionBlizzard, Sony and Microsoft get away with this behaviour because they're constantly rewarded for it with the money from pre-orders/season passes, and hype from consumers. As long as the consumers get their latest and greatest shiny AAA thing, they don't care about quality studios and developers being destroyed, or time-honored IP being turned into freemium/mobile-esque cash cows designed to maximize input from whales.
ShadowAngel.207: ....And people think (Bethesda's) "games" are actually even good because "Modders fix all the problems, so it's awesome".

The majority of gamers are simply retarded, they like to get ripped-off and milked off all their money. They like to get fucked over with buggy games and overpriced DLC. Hence why gaming is in this abysmal state it currently is.
rampancy: I think this is an important part of the issue that a lot of people ignore when there's a discussion about the state of the video game industry. It's that a lot of the fault also lies with us, the consumers. Companies like EA, ActivisionBlizzard, Sony and Microsoft get away with this behaviour because they're constantly rewarded for it with the money from pre-orders/season passes, and hype from consumers. As long as the consumers get their latest and greatest shiny AAA thing, they don't care about quality studios and developers being destroyed, or time-honored IP being turned into freemium/mobile-esque cash cows designed to maximize input from whales.
another problem is that the people who dont buy in the pre order season pass dlc bullshit are stil outnumbered 100 to 1 by the mindless masses who line up to buy the same drivel year in and year out

( before anybody starts i loath dlc the dlc i got is whatever comes with the super uber duper speshul super turbo hyper edition thats eventually shat out
i dont pre order ...other then that mini nes
i dont buy in to hype
and havent bought a game new since 2008 ( saints row 2 if wondering ) or paid full price for it ie i only buy in sales )
I do not hate DLC. They are just expansion pack for me, like what we have had from 1980s.

I hate DRM, microtransaction/pay-to-win, account-binding gamesaves.
They make games unplayable, hard to backup, can not transfered to others.

Gamers at 2016 can play classic games from past 30 years, but I doubt how many DRM-protect-games we could play at 2046.
kbnrylaec: I do not hate DLC. They are just expansion pack for me, like what we have had from 1980s.
does this include the bullshit cosmetic garbage that gets gobbled up ?
Hmm I loved SSX & SSX tricky. Those were great fun.
Post edited October 14, 2016 by Senteria
snowkatt: EA is seen these days as the evil empire
by whom?
snowkatt: the place that peddles shit
like what?
snowkatt: has an iron grip on sports games which allows them to release the same shit each year which people buy anyway
good as long as you like sports games
snowkatt: where studios companies and franchises go to die ( see origin westwood ultima )
most of these companies were as good as dead when EA bought them, and they actually made them survive a bit longer
snowkatt: where you are dlc'd to death
as opposed to all other big companies these days?
snowkatt: and where they shoe horn in multiplayer and questionable tactics in their games ( simcity 5 )
same as above
snowkatt: this was not always so
once upon a time ( ahem) EA like activision was not reviled
their games were actually good their games stood for quality
so what happend ?
same as always - growing big and branching out. This question here is the same as "why is gOg no longer releasing classic games"....
snowkatt: in other words when did EA turn to shit ?
it did?
snowkatt: EA is seen these days as the evil empire
amok: by whom?
snowkatt: the place that peddles shit
amok: like what?
snowkatt: has an iron grip on sports games which allows them to release the same shit each year which people buy anyway
amok: good as long as you like sports games
snowkatt: where studios companies and franchises go to die ( see origin westwood ultima )
amok: most of these companies were as good as dead when EA bought them, and they actually made them survive a bit longer
snowkatt: where you are dlc'd to death
amok: as opposed to all other big companies these days?
snowkatt: and where they shoe horn in multiplayer and questionable tactics in their games ( simcity 5 )
amok: same as above
snowkatt: this was not always so
once upon a time ( ahem) EA like activision was not reviled
their games were actually good their games stood for quality
so what happend ?
amok: same as always - growing big and branching out. This question here is the same as "why is gOg no longer releasing classic games"....
snowkatt: in other words when did EA turn to shit ?
amok: it did?
god damn it ! dont expect me to adress all of that one by one !
andysheets1975: EA in the beginning, along with Activision, were one of the few game companies that promoted game designers as artists. That obviously didn't last.

They went bad in the 90s when they started seriously gobbling up other, better companies like Origin and Bullfrog, dragging them through the mud, and then dissolving them.
Actually Activision I believe got bought up by Infogrames, but they later figured Activision was a stronger brand than their own, and changed their name to Activision. Not really sure how Infogrames became so big though. Only games I remember them releasing was a Smurfs game and the Alone in the Dark games.

Also, I began disliking EA in the 90ies when they bought up and practically ended Bullfrog in the 90ies. They have sure ended many good companies, only to fail at really using any of their franchises very well which then killed them and then they just sit on it. I guess I liked C&C Kanes Wrath, also Dragonage, but Dragonagewas at the same time the game that made me stop buying EA games seeing how you found a quest the first time you got into camp that then went "oh, btw you need this DLC to do this quest". A quest to get a chest no less for storing items. Then they also started Origin, which was the final nail.
Post edited October 14, 2016 by kblood
kblood: Actually Activision I believe got bought up by Infogrames, but they later figured Activision was a stronger brand than their own, and changed their name to Activision. Not really sure how Infogrames became so big though. Only games I remember them releasing was a Smurfs game and the Alone in the Dark games.
Oh, I wasn't saying that EA and Activision were directly linked. I just think it's interesting that each company was founded in the early 80s with the intention of promoting game designers as the main draw, so you knew that Bill Budge, David Crane, and Dan Bunten were big deals, only for each company to eventually drop that angle (even becoming hostile to it like the rest of the industry) and evolve into these huge, controversial corporations.
kblood: Actually Activision I believe got bought up by Infogrames, but they later figured Activision was a stronger brand than their own, and changed their name to Activision. Not really sure how Infogrames became so big though. Only games I remember them releasing was a Smurfs game and the Alone in the Dark games.
andysheets1975: Oh, I wasn't saying that EA and Activision were directly linked. I just think it's interesting that each company was founded in the early 80s with the intention of promoting game designers as the main draw, so you knew that Bill Budge, David Crane, and Dan Bunten were big deals, only for each company to eventually drop that angle (even becoming hostile to it like the rest of the industry) and evolve into these huge, controversial corporations.
My point was that its not really Activision anymore. I guess some people who worked at Activision might still be there, but its essentially Infogrames with a "new" name.

Regarding huge companies becoming huge and starting to focus on being mainstream and maximizing profits, its sad to see where Blizzard is going these days. Remember how Starcraft and Warcraft 3 got free campaigns made by Blizzard, and free user made maps, made by the Blizzard team? In SC2 that has certainly changed, every race got its own game, and after SC2 and its 2 expansions had been released, they began selling a DLC campaign. In WoW you can now buy extra items for money, for the game you are already paying for every month, and paying for each expansion...

Just does not feel the same. Pretty sure I will finish SC2 single player and then probably not buy any more Blizzard games. Overwatch, you pay full price for the game, and then you seem to have to pay more to unlock all characters? Oh, also in SC2 you can buy extra "commanders".

Maybe the quality is higher because of it, not sure. I will probably become much more focused on indiegames though.
Post edited October 14, 2016 by kblood
blotunga: I think in my book Blizzard takes the crown for shittiest gaming company. EA is okish, but I hate it that they still haven't released a Mass Effect collection with all DLCs included, nor a Dragon Age 2 release with the same.
Dragon Age 2 didn't sell well enough for them to put out a physical copy with the DLCs, but there really isn't an excuse for them not putting out a digital edition with the DLC included. If it ever comes to GOG hopefully they do that.
snowkatt: never cared for blizzard
a one trick pony with bland boring grindy games
Diablo, Warcraft 2 and Starcraft were pretty revolutionary back in the 90s. You're probably too young to understand the significance.
Post edited October 14, 2016 by Punkoinyc