zordren3742: No idea why so many people that hate beamdog gather here.
I don't hate them because they did a messed up remake of what's personally my favourite game. They redid existing characters because they felt they don't portray their personal views, added some other text which someone else found controversial, and finally did an addon that was even more messed up than their original remake.
I don't hate them for it, because remakes get made all the time. Some I like, some I don't. If I like it I might buy it, if I don't I usually won't buy it. But I don't "hate" the developers for it (and maybe if they did a different remake better I'd buy it.); what I consider "messed up" might be considered a masterpiece by somebody else, and if someone does want to buy Beamdog's remake then good for both of them.
It's not even about how Beamdog made martyrs out of themselves in all the drama that followed. "We're breaking barriers by putting transgender characters in games and are attacked by bigots for it." Despite the fact that lots of criticism had nothing to do with that character.
Again, at that point I couldn't care less what they did.
When I started disliking them was when they pulled the classic games from the store and forced them into a bundle with the remakes. It's their prerogative, but I don't like how they force someone who wants the classics only to have to buy the remakes.
When I started "hating" them, was when in the backlash that followed they
blatantly lied about it, putting all the blame on GOG. And when the truth came to light, they
admitted it was them, but still pretended it was a "miscommunication" (haha) and (listen to this:) they said that the reason they removed the option of buying the classic game was so that we could enjoy the option of choosing what game to play. You can't make this stuff up.
So yes, at this point I piss on Beamdog and wouldn't trust them further than I could throw them