mrkgnao: Pirates! II, Sid Meier's / Lucius Wagner / United Kingdom Santa Claus Discovered in United Kingdom After several days and a lot of money spent on airline tickets, a private eye named Mrkgnao has finally found Santa Claus in London, United Kingdom. Trapped in a dungeon with all his reindeer, Santa Claus was in really bad shape ! He was drunk, tied up in a chair, gagged with duct tape and wearing a straitjacket.
His kidnapper, a devilish boy called Lucius Wagner, has been arrested by the local police. He's now facing charges of robbery, sleigh hijacking and kidnapping. When the officer asked him why he kidnapped Santa Claus, he replied:
" I've never received a gift from Santa Claus ! I'm not a naughty boy... I'm a killer, but not a naughty boy ! " The sequel of
Sid Meier's Pirates! has been delivered. Unfortunately, GOG will not release the game because it's still in early access.
" Our Top Men are working hard to complete the game. Don't worry, the game will be released soon ! ", said the governor.