Posted March 21, 2016
A warm thanks to the following people:
- snowkatt for playing our well-beloved prosecutor
- Bookwrym627 for pitching in when snowkatt couldn't make it
- amrit9037 for playing the defense
- XxXSprayvWarXxX for filling in when amrit couldn't make it
- Krypsyn for acting as our defendant
- cecil for acting as a vital plot device
- superstande for being a wonderful agent
- Azhdar, Fantasysci5, and Krypsyn (again) for acting as lovely witnesses
- yogsloth for working as a lovely plant in the jury
- An especially huge thanks to gnostic and sunshinecorp for donating the prizes!
A special acknowledgement to:
- DyNaer and others who struggle with English yet bravely took on this challenge anyways
- All of you who bravely helped carry on after the discouraging derailing
All of you guys helped to make this game much more fun! I only hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! I apologize for the bumps in the road and the excessive, unexpected length, but eh, it only serves to learn from. I look forward to hopefully seeing some of you again in the next trial!
Also any idea when the next court will be? (this might almost become the next Forum Mafia thread, just less scary)
Always keep a replacement family member ready, you never know when you need one (or two) ;)
Post edited March 21, 2016 by Habanerose