Reading through I need to know WHY the body has ended up with the defendant. This answers the question to is he guilty of robbery.
The time line as it stands allows for very little break in the actual sequence for planning. It is too short and how would the defendant have known they could wash the clothes when they got back if the water had been out. Unless they were unaware the water was out to begin with.
The getaway car is in reality unknown as the cameras never saw it and the only witness would have been running high on adrenalin. Were they re-examined days later about the events?
So what was found in the car, or about it to make the police call it evidence? Was money found in the car or other case related evidence?
What would the defendants motive be to have robbed the bank. Did their wife leaving mess them up? Did she take the money? Did he gain a drug addiction / drinking? Were they / is he in debt? This might explain her leaving.
Stated he has been a law abiding citizen his whole life, is he still?
Would there be a possibility that the robber who survived wanted to save his "injured" friend, but once he noticed the other one had died, did he just abandon him?
Where and how would the other robber have gone should they have abandoned their dead partner and the car. Would they have been in the field? Yet why would the defendant have then become aware of the body and end up dragging a dead body rather then call the police?
He will not talk. Can he TALK? Missing description of defendant.
The police arrested him for doing his laundry? Also not talking. What is so suspicious of the clothes, surely the ones he was wearing would have been covered in blood. Police would want those, was that why he was taken home?
Would he really have wasted time changing first out of the crime clothes, THEN dragging the other robber into the field in a clean set of clothes. What would be the point. Is he stupid?
- Quick point. I would put the body in tarp, leaves little mess and is easily cleaned. You do not have to touch the body excessively nor does it touch you. Dump body, remove and wash tarp. Done, clear. Nothing connecting the two.
Also dump far away from home 40+ miles away from busy areas in a ditch, not a field.
The guy had no idea what he is doing. He could actually be a little retarded.
I request to see evidence from him first. So I vote for
his house Also can we have a description of the defendant. It might go a little way to identifying his actions.